Data Science Explored a space to learn and analyze

Testimonials from Former Colleagues and Mentees

I was so glad to work with Dustin when he was on my team at Cognizant Technology Solutions for two years. He did excellent work on various end to end data science and advanced analytics projects which included, but were not limited to, performing techniques such as data extraction, data cleaning, data prepossessing, data mining, and data visualization. He built models for churn analysis, models using natural language processing (NLP) techniques, and performed market basket analysis. His other business-focused data science tasks involved using regression, classification, and clustering methods as well as providing useful predictions for the business. He built dashboards, and created reports and presentations. In addition, he explained the technical results to non-technical persons, and recommended actionable insights. The clients were very happy with his hard work and willingness to go above and beyond. I highly recommended him on both technical and personal aspects.

Dustin is an outstanding full-stack data scientist with skillsets ranging from exploratory analysis and data visualization to predictive modeling using ML and deep learning algorithms. He has demonstrated fluency in SQL, Python, and PySpark. He was a great mentor when I first entered the data science field, helping me to understand basic Python, as well as statistical and machine learning concepts. He further helped me to apply that knowledge to solving real-world problems. Additionally, what makes Dustin a great data scientist is that he is able to approach problems with creativity and empathy to help his clients. He can connect with and explain complicated concepts to both technical and non-technical audiences so that teams can arrive at the best performing results collectively.

Dustin was my mentor for over half a year as I went through training to become a Data Scientist. His support and encouragement during that time were instrumental to my success. During our time together, I felt confident taking technical risks and tackling unconventional projects, because I knew that if I ever got stuck (and I did - several times) he would help me understand the problem from every relevant angle, and then solve it independently. He spares no effort in this process, explaining clearly, sharing resources, and sketching out ideas. Dustin is an expert in his field and a stellar teacher.

Dustin’s talent as a teacher doesn’t stop at the ability to explain complex ideas, however. He is patient, empathetic, and personable. I knew I could count on him to resolve my doubts regardless of their number or nature. Under his guidance, I internalized Python syntax, learned how to make data tell a story, and operationalized machine learning models that solved real-world problems. Whenever I wanted to explore projects that weren’t covered by the syllabus, he would feed my curiosity. I built dashboards, worked with the Twitter API, and trained deep learning models to recognize hand gestures and play songs. Dustin not only made my efforts to learn more fruitful but made them infinitely more enjoyable as well.

Dustin and I were working together when the COVID-19 pandemic began in 2020. Throughout that experience, Dustin was as supportive and as cheerful as ever, and I found myself looking forward to the ritual of meeting him twice a week, if only virtually. I am very grateful to have had the chance to learn from him for the better part of a year, and he has my most sincere recommendation.

Feel free to message me through my LinkedIn profile if you have any questions.

I had the fortunate experience of receiving mentorship from Dustin during my time in Thinkful’s Data Science program. Beginning our collaboration during the preparatory pre-course, I chose to continue working with Dustin for the duration of the full-time experience. Dustin is incredibly knowledgeable and professional. He was a constant source of support for me, cutting through my blockers with a clever line of code or unique approach. He always provided invaluable insight into the industry with best practices and personal experiences. Dustin was never at a loss for an issue I was facing. He is well versed in statistics, machine learning, and the code that goes into creating a successful data science project. He was also always ready to relate to an issue I was facing with a project of his own. During my time learning neural networks, Dustin was able to relate to my issues and provide solutions by sharing a deep learning project he was working on. Not only did he help me through my own problems, he elevated my work with expert examples of coding solutions. Dustin’s passion for data and using it to benefit others, especially in healthcare, shined through in every interaction. His experience enriched my own. I both learned valuable data science skills and what being a data science professional really means. Dustin constantly went above and beyond, meeting several extra times a week if needed to ensure my success.

I consider working with Dustin one of the highest points of my Thinkful experience. Having him on your team means having a reliable, relatable, and ready data science professional. His calm, cool, and collected demeanor allows him to handle any issue with tact. Dustin has my utmost appreciation and recommendation. I will gladly discuss my experience with him further should the need be if, simply reach out to me through LinkedIn.

During my time with Thinkful’s data science program, Dustin was a wonderful touchstone of resources and brainstorming. With his ability to clarify data science techniques, methodologies and technologies in a non-technical manner, he sets himself apart as unique in this field. Dustin is highly skilled in Python as we discussed at length the several advantages to the Python libraries and resources. His methods for parameter optimization, model implementation and his experience in the field are both insightful and incredibly helpful.

Dustin also provided many resources for continued learning, growth and honing personal skills as a programmer and Data Scientist. He is a great mentor and an accomplished Data Scientist with phenomenal aptitude for communication. Dustin is a strong mentor, and Data Scientist, his knowledge and friendly nature make him an absolute pleasure to work with.

Investing in a bootcamp is often a tough choice for someone looking to make a career change. The insecurity for me was mainly centered on whether I would gain anything additionally from going through a bootcamp versus learning the material on my own. I started the bootcamp in mid-2020 and began working with Dustin as my mentor. His Python expertise and project advice made all the difference. Throughout each mentoring session, Dustin was patient in explaining concepts and was always eager to help. It was not out of the norm for our meetings to run a bit over time. However, he was always more concerned with me leaving with all my questions answered versus the additional time spent. Whether I was asking about statistical tests, model assumptions, PCA, machine learning algorithms, SQL, or general Python code, I was impressed by his wealth of information and his ability to convey it in an understandable manner. Dustin took the time to understand each of my project ideas and was able to make valuable suggestions to improve them. I completed the Thinkful Data Science program in November 2020. Looking back, I can state that the real value of my Thinkful experience was in the bi-weekly meeting with Dustin. I am appreciative of Dustin for helping me get to the finish line and recommend him for all things Data Science.

Throughout my seven months as a student in Thinkful’s data science program, I had the pleasure of having Dustin Wicker serve as my mentor. Dustin possesses all of the characteristics one could hope for in a teacher. He was excellent at breaking down complex concepts and explaining them in a manner that I was able to understand. He was always patient, cheerful, and personable. Above all else, he was exceptionally knowledgeable in the field of data science.

Together Dustin and I worked on pulling and analyzing data using SQL, ingesting the data into Python, performing exploratory data analysis, and building machine learning and deep learning models. From getting a handle on the basics of Python and SQL at the start of the program, to understanding far more complex branches of data science involving API’s, web scraping, and big data, Dustin was always able to offer guidance, and assisted me tremendously throughout the program in learning these concepts.

While working through Thinkful’s data science curriculum, I created capstone projects involving both supervised and unsupervised learning models. Whenever I felt stuck, Dustin helped me progress through the projects, not by doing the work for me, but by offering the necessary encouragement and support to be able to find the answers for myself. I am indebted to Dustin for the help he provided throughout the program, and unequivocally give him my highest level of recommendation. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at

Dustin Wicker was an excellent mentor as I worked through my Thinkful Data Science course. A patient and informative teacher, Dustin was sure to provide industry context to the problems I was working through. He continuously suggested additional resources so I could go above and beyond in my data analysis. I cannot thank him enough for providing me the support I needed to complete my final capstone and graduate from the course.

During my tenure as a student in Thinkful’s data science program, Dustin provided great support in his ability to discuss complex scientific topics in a non-technical manner. His knowledge of best coding practices in Python, SQL, and Tableau helped inspire me to hone my own technical ability by providing creative solutions. Dustin possesses a rare combination of programming and people skills that makes him a strong mentor, and a pleasure to work with.

Working with Dustin was a real pleasure and allowed me to go much deeper with my data skills. His insights were especially helpful in giving me feedback on which machine learning models perform better in specific situations, and how best to tune those models. Also helpful was his insight into how machine learning can be harnessed to add value within the context of real-world problems.

Dustin is a knowledgeable, articulate, attentive and diligent mentor. He was my technical mentor during the time I studied in Thinkful’s Data Science Apprenticeship Program. Dustin brought integrity, knowledge, and insights into the technical mentor sessions, and he helped me make constant progress during this time. He helped me learn so many things from basic data science concepts to advanced algorithms as well as programming skills. His positive way of teaching and consistency really helped me while working through the learning path to becoming a data scientist. And it was not easy, and I’m so glad I got help from Dustin.
I believe Dustin can help anyone who wants to become a data scientist and anyone who needs data science career advice.