Data Science Explored a space to learn and analyze

Predicting the Presence of Heart Disease in Patients using Python

The usefulness of being able to accurately anticipate and predict the presence of heart disease cannot be understated. Heart disease is the world’s leading cause of death for both men and women 1.

This project details the process I took to build a model that is capable of predicting the presence of heart disease in patients as well as outlining ways to use it in order to combat the devastation caused by the disease.

Please leave a comment at the bottom of the page to let me know your thoughts on the project and the actions I took to arrive at the final model. At the end of the Project Overview, there are questions posed for reflection and deliberation - feel free to answer one of those too if you would like.

Project Summary

A summary of this models results can be seen directly below, and a full summary of all sixteen models can be found in the Model Visualization, Comparison, and Selection section.

Model F1 Score Recall Precision Total Correct Total Incorrect
Support Vector Machine Classifier Four 0.804 0.774 0.837 252 40

Code snippets will be provided for each section outlined in the Project Overview at the bottom of the page. The snippets will encompass the entire script, broken into their related sections. If you would like to view the code script in its entirety, please visit this link.

Project Overview

i.    Data Ingestion

ii.   Data Cleaning

iii.  Exploratory Data Analysis

iv.  Model Building

v.   Model Visualization, Comparison, and Selection

vi.  Visualize Best Model

vii. Model Usefulness

viii.Questions for Consideration

Data Ingestion (View code)

The first step was obtaining the data and data dictionary from the UCI Machine Learning Repository 4. The files were saved in an appropriate location and then read into Python.

Data Cleaning (View code)

After the data was properly read into Python and the appropriate column names were supplied, data cleaning was performed. This involved:

Exploratory Data Analysis (View code)

The following three images provide a sample of the analysis performed.

Heatmap of Continous Predictor Variables

This heatmap shows correlation coefficients between each of the initial continuous variables plus two features, “Days Between Cardiac Catheterization and Electrocardiogram” and “PCA variable for ‘Height at Rest’ and ‘Height at Peak Exercise’”, created in the early stages of feature engineering. This visualization gives you information that is useful in performing data transformations and further feature engineering. Each unique cell, with its color, helps to provide information on the strength of the linear relationship between the two variables that interact to make it up.


Above, there is a histogram for each of the initial continuous features against the target variable (diagnosis of heart disease) plus the two features created in the early stages of feature engineering, “Days Between Cardiac Catheterization and Electrocardiogram” and “PCA variable for ‘Height at Rest’ and ‘Height at Peak Exercise’.” This visualization allows you to see which of the predictor variables have noticeable differences in their distributions when split on the target, and would therefore be useful in prediction.


The above histograms show Serum Cholesterol on the left with no data transformation performed and on the right with a Box-Cox transformation applied.

Including the details above, this step also involved:

Model Building (View code)

After exploring our data to obtain a greater understanding of it and using that information to perform feature engineering and data transformations, it was time to build and optimize models.

Model Visualization, Comparison, and Selection (View code)

ROC Curves

The four models that give predicted probabilities (Support Vector Machines do not give predicted probabilities, only class membership) are plotted above, and each plot contains seven ROC curves - one for each unique model run. The most amount of variation can be seen in the Random Forest Classifier models, and the least amount in the Logistic Regression models due to the fact variables had to be statistically significant to be included in the latter model.

The best model for each of the five algorithms was selected based on F1 Score. For the four models that gave predicted probabilities, the cut-off value chosen for each model was the one that provided the optimal combination of total patients predicted correctly and F1 Score. From there, model predictions were assembled to determine which combination (or stand alone model) provided the best results.

Model(s) F1 Score Recall Precision Total Correct Total Incorrect
Gradient Boosting Classifier Five, K-Nearest Neighbors Five, Support Vector Machine Classifier Four 0.802 0.745 0.868 253 39
Support Vector Machine Classifier Four 0.804 0.774 0.837 252 40
Gradient Boosting Classifier Five, Random Forest Classifier Six, Support Vector Machine Classifier Four 0.798 0.745 0.859 252 40
Gradient Boosting Classifier Five, K-Nearest Neighbors Five, Logistic Regression Three, Random Forest Classifier Six, Support Vector Machine Classifier Four 0.798 0.745 0.859 252 40
Logistic Regression Three, Random Forest Classifier Six, Support Vector Machine Classifier Four 0.792 0.755 0.833 250 42
K-Nearest Neighbors Five 0.786 0.726 0.856 250 42
K-Nearest Neighbors Five, Random Forest Classifier Six, Support Vector Machine Classifier Four 0.786 0.726 0.856 250 42
K-Nearest Neighbors Five, Logistic Regression Three, Support Vector Machine Classifier Four 0.786 0.745 0.832 249 43
Gradient Boosting Classifier Five, K-Nearest Neighbors Five, Logistic Regression Three 0.782 0.726 0.846 249 43
Gradient Boosting Classifier Five, Logistic Regression Three, Support Vector Machine Classifier Four 0.782 0.726 0.846 249 43
Gradient Boosting Classifier Five 0.771 0.698 0.860 248 44
Gradient Boosting Classifier Five, Logistic Regression Three, Random Forest Classifier Six 0.772 0.717 0.835 247 45
K-Nearest Neighbors Five, Logistic Regression Three, Random Forest Classifier Six 0.772 0.717 0.835 247 45
Gradient Boosting Classifier Five, K-Nearest Neighbors Five, Random Forest Classifier Six 0.769 0.708 0.843 247 45
Random Forest Classifier Six 0.768 0.717 0.826 246 46
Logistic Regression Three 0.765 0.736 0.796 244 48

Visualize Best Model (View code)

The next step was visualizing how the best model performed in an easy to understand way.

The first visual below - a confusion matrix - is a fundamental assessment tool for classification problems. It is a cross tabulation of the actual and predicted classes and quantifies the confusion of the classifier. Here it details the prediction results of the best model, the Support Vector Machine Classification Model #4.


When looking at a confusion matrix, we want the true negative and true positive values to be high and the false positive and false negative values to be low. This indicates a highly accurate model, which is exactly what we have here.

The next visualization shows the same results as above, just now in a more concise format. This stacked bar chart condenses our results into patients who were correctly predicted and those who were incorrectly predicted.


Model Usefulness

The final step, and arguably the most critical one, is explaining how the results could be utilized in a medical facility setting to benefit medical practitioners and their patients.

Questions for Consideration

Data Ingestion

Import Libraries and Packages

import os
import yaml
import pickle
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import datetime as dt
from math import sqrt
from scipy import stats
import statsmodels.api as sm
import inflect
import itertools
from more_itertools import unique_everseen
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.feature_selection import RFE
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier, KNeighborsRegressor
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier, GradientBoostingClassifier
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, roc_curve
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score, cross_val_predict, train_test_split, GridSearchCV, ShuffleSplit
from sklearn.exceptions import ConvergenceWarning
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import seaborn as sns

# Increase maximum width in characters of columns - will put all columns in same line in console readout
pd.set_option('expand_frame_repr', False)
# Be able to read entire value in each column (no longer truncating values)
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', -1)
# Increase number of rows printed out in console
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 200)

# Set aesthetic parameters of seaborn plots

# Change current working directory to main directory
def main_directory():
    # Load in .yml file to retrieve location of heart disease directory
    info = yaml.load(open("info.yml"), Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
    os.chdir(os.getcwd() + info['heart_disease_directory'])

# Open Hungarian data set
with open('', 'r') as myfile:
    file = []
    for line in myfile:
        line = line.replace(" ", ", ")
        # Add comma to end of each line
        line = line.replace(os.linesep, ',' + os.linesep)
        line = line.split(', ')

file = [value.replace(",\n", "") for value in file]
# Remove empty strings from list
file = list(filter(None, file))

# Convert list to lists of list
attributes_per_patient = int(len(file)/294)    # len(file)/number of patients
i = 0
new_file = []
while i < len(file):
    i += attributes_per_patient

# List of column names
headers = ['id', 'ccf', 'age', 'sex', 'painloc', 'painexer', 'relrest', 'pncaden', 'cp', 'trestbps', 'htn', 'chol',
           'smoke', 'cigs', 'years', 'fbs', 'dm', 'famhist', 'restecg', 'ekgmo', 'ekgday', 'ekgyr', 'dig', 'prop',
           'nitr', 'pro', 'diuretic', 'proto', 'thaldur', 'thaltime', 'met', 'thalach', 'thalrest', 'tpeakbps',
           'tpeakbpd', 'dummy', 'trestbpd', 'exang', 'xhypo', 'oldpeak', 'slope', 'rldv5', 'rldv5e', 'ca', 'restckm',
           'exerckm', 'restef', 'restwm', 'exeref', 'exerwm', 'thal', 'thalsev', 'thalpul', 'earlobe', 'cmo',
           'cday', 'cyr', 'num', 'lmt', 'ladprox', 'laddist', 'diag', 'cxmain', 'ramus', 'om1', 'om2', 'rcaprox',
           'rcadist', 'lvx1', 'lvx2', 'lvx3', 'lvx4', 'lvf', 'cathef', 'junk', 'name']

# Convert lists of list into DataFrame and supply column names
hungarian = pd.DataFrame(new_file, columns=headers)

Go Back to Data Ingestion

Data Cleaning

Remove Unnecessary Columns

# List of columns to drop
cols_to_drop =['ccf', 'pncaden', 'smoke', 'cigs', 'years', 'dm', 'famhist', 'dig', 'ca', 'restckm', 'exerckm',
               'restef', 'restwm', 'exeref', 'exerwm', 'thal', 'thalsev', 'thalpul', 'earlobe', 'lmt',
               'ladprox', 'laddist', 'diag', 'cxmain', 'ramus', 'om1', 'om2', 'rcaprox', 'rcadist', 'lvx1',
               'cathef', 'junk', 'name', 'thaltime', 'xhypo', 'slope', 'dummy', 'lvx1', 'lvx2']

# Drop columns from above list
hungarian = hungarian.drop(columns=cols_to_drop)  

Convert Column Types

# Convert all columns to numeric
hungarian = hungarian.apply(pd.to_numeric)

Correct Data Discrepancies

### Fix possible patient id issues
# Find ids that are not unique to patients

# Fix id 1132 (two different patients are both assigned to this id) - give second patient next id number (id max + 1)
hungarian.loc[hungarian.loc[].index[-1], 'id'] = + 1

Remove Patients with a Large Percentage of Missing Values

# Drop patients with "significant" number of missing values (use 10%, can adjust accordingly)
# Determine missing value percentage per patient (-9 is the missing attribute value)
missing_value_perc_per_patient = (hungarian == -9).sum(axis=1)[(hungarian == -9).sum(axis=1) > 0]\
                                     .sort_values(ascending=False)/len([x for x in hungarian.columns if x != 'id'])

# Remove patients with > 10% missing values
hungarian = hungarian.drop(missing_value_perc_per_patient[missing_value_perc_per_patient>0.10].index.values)

Impute Missing Values Using K-Nearest Neighbors

### Imputing missing values (marked as -9 per data dictionary)
cols_with_missing_values = [(col, hungarian[col].value_counts()[-9]) for col in list(hungarian) if -9 in hungarian[col].unique()]
# Sort tuples by number of missing values
cols_with_missing_values.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])

# Use K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) to impute missing values
# Method to scale continuous and binary variables (z-score standardization)
scaler = StandardScaler()
variables_not_to_use_for_imputation = ['ekgday', 'cmo', 'cyr', 'ekgyr', 'cday', 'ekgmo', 'num']

# Impute htn
impute_variable = 'htn'

# Obtain list of variables to use for imputation
x_variables = [x for x in list(hungarian) if x not in [x[0] for x in cols_with_missing_values] +
                        variables_not_to_use_for_imputation + ['id']]

# Select x and y variables to use
fix_htn = hungarian[x_variables + [impute_variable]]

# Create list of categorical variables to one-hot encode
categorical_x_variables = ['sex', 'painloc', 'painexer', 'relrest', 'cp', 'nitr', 'pro', 'diuretic', 'exang',
                           'lvx3', 'lvx4', 'lvf']

# One-hot encode categorical variables
for value in categorical_x_variables:
    one_hot = pd.get_dummies(fix_htn[value], prefix=value)
    fix_htn = fix_htn.join(one_hot)
    fix_htn = fix_htn.drop(columns=value)

# Create list of x variables
x_variables = [x for x in list(fix_htn) if x != impute_variable]

# Create DataFrame with missing value(s) to predict on
predict = fix_htn.loc[fix_htn[impute_variable]==-9]
# Set x and y predict DataFrames
predict_x, predict_y = predict[x_variables], predict[impute_variable]

# Create DataFrame to train on
train = fix_htn.loc[~(fix_htn[impute_variable]==-9)]
# Set x and y train DataFrames
train_x, train_y = train[x_variables], train[impute_variable]

# Fit and transform scaler on train_x
train_x = scaler.fit_transform(train_x)

# Transform predict_x
predict_x = scaler.transform(predict_x)

# Obtain k (number of neighbors) by using sqrt(n)
k = round(sqrt(len(train_x)))
print(f"k is {k}.")

# Check to make sure k is odd number
if divmod(k, 2)[1] == 1:
    print("k is an odd number. Good to proceed.")
    print("Need to make k an odd number.")

# Predict value for predict_y
htn_prediction = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=k, metric='minkowski', weights='distance').fit(train_x, train_y).predict(predict_x)
print(f'The prediction for htn is {htn_prediction[0]}.')

# Supply prediction back to appropriate patient
hungarian.loc[hungarian[impute_variable]==-9, 'htn'] = htn_prediction

# Imputing missing values (marked as -9 per data dictionary)
cols_with_missing_values = [(col, hungarian[col].value_counts()[-9]) for col in list(hungarian) if -9 in hungarian[col].unique()]
# Sort tuples by number of missing values
cols_with_missing_values.sort(key=lambda x:x[1])

# Impute restecg
impute_variable = 'restecg'

# Obtain list of variables to use for imputation
x_variables = [x for x in list(hungarian) if x not in [x[0] for x in cols_with_missing_values] +
                        variables_not_to_use_for_imputation + ['id']]

# Select x and y variables to use - added in 'htn'
fix_restecg = hungarian[x_variables + [impute_variable]]

# Create list of categorical variables to one-hot encode
categorical_x_variables = ['sex', 'painloc', 'painexer', 'relrest', 'cp', 'htn', 'nitr', 'pro', 'diuretic', 'exang',
                           'lvx3', 'lvx4', 'lvf']

# One-hot encode categorical variables
for value in categorical_x_variables:
    one_hot = pd.get_dummies(fix_restecg[value], prefix=value)
    fix_restecg = fix_restecg.join(one_hot)
    fix_restecg = fix_restecg.drop(columns=value)

# Create list of x variables
x_variables = [x for x in list(fix_restecg) if x != impute_variable]

# Create DataFrame with missing value(s) - will predict on
predict = fix_restecg.loc[fix_restecg[impute_variable]==-9]
# Set x and y predict DataFrames
predict_x, predict_y = predict[x_variables], predict[impute_variable]

# Create DataFrame to train on
train = fix_restecg.loc[~(fix_restecg[impute_variable]==-9)]
# Set x and y train DataFrames
train_x, train_y = train[x_variables], train[impute_variable]

# Fit and transform scaler on train_x
train_x = scaler.fit_transform(train_x)

# Transform predict_x
predict_x = scaler.transform(predict_x)

# Obtain k (number of neighbors) by using sqrt(n)
k = round(sqrt(len(train_x)))
print(f"k is {k}.")

# Check to make sure k is odd number
if divmod(k, 2)[1] == 1:
    print("k is an odd number. Good to proceed.")
    print("Need to make k an odd number.")

# Predict value for predict_y
restecg_prediction = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=k, metric='minkowski', weights='distance').fit(train_x, train_y).predict(predict_x)
print(f'The prediction for restecg is {restecg_prediction[0]}.')

# Supply prediction back to appropriate patient
hungarian.loc[hungarian[impute_variable]==-9, 'restecg'] = restecg_prediction

# Imputing missing values (marked as -9 per data dictionary)
cols_with_missing_values = [(col, hungarian[col].value_counts()[-9]) for col in list(hungarian) if -9 in hungarian[col].unique()]
# Sort tuples by number of missing values
cols_with_missing_values.sort(key=lambda x:x[1])

# Impute prop
# Set y variable
impute_variable = 'prop'

# Obtain list of variables to use for imputation
x_variables = [x for x in list(hungarian) if x not in [x[0] for x in cols_with_missing_values] +
                        variables_not_to_use_for_imputation + ['id']]

# Select x and y variables to use - add in 'htn'
fix_prop = hungarian[x_variables + [impute_variable]]

# Create list of categorical variables to one-hot encode
categorical_x_variables = ['sex', 'painloc', 'painexer', 'relrest', 'cp', 'htn', 'restecg', 'nitr', 'pro', 'diuretic', 'exang',
                           'lvx3', 'lvx4', 'lvf']

# One-hot encode categorical variables
for value in categorical_x_variables:
    one_hot = pd.get_dummies(fix_prop[value], prefix=value)
    fix_prop = fix_prop.join(one_hot)
    fix_prop = fix_prop.drop(columns=value)

# Create list of x variables
x_variables = [x for x in list(fix_prop) if x != impute_variable]

# Create DataFrame with missing value(s) - will predict on
predict = fix_prop.loc[fix_prop[impute_variable]==-9]
# Set x and y predict DataFrames
predict_x, predict_y = predict[x_variables], predict[impute_variable]

# Create DataFrame to train on
train = fix_prop.loc[~(fix_prop[impute_variable]==-9)]
# Set x and y train DataFrames
train_x, train_y = train[x_variables], train[impute_variable]

# Fit and transform scaler on train_x
train_x = scaler.fit_transform(train_x)

# Transform predict_x
predict_x = scaler.transform(predict_x)

# Obtain k (number of neighbors) by using sqrt(n)
k = round(sqrt(len(train_x)))
print(f"k is {k}.")

# Check to make sure k is odd number
if divmod(k, 2)[1] == 1:
    print("k is an odd number. Good to proceed.")
    print("Need to make k an odd number.")

# Predict value for predict_y
prop_prediction = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=k, metric='minkowski', weights='distance').fit(train_x, train_y).predict(predict_x)
print(f'The prediction for prop is {prop_prediction[0]}.')

# Supply prediction back to appropriate patient
hungarian.loc[hungarian[impute_variable]==-9, 'prop'] = prop_prediction

# Imputing missing values (marked as -9 per data dictionary)
cols_with_missing_values = [(col, hungarian[col].value_counts()[-9]) for col in list(hungarian) if -9 in hungarian[col].unique()]
# Sort tuples by number of missing values
cols_with_missing_values.sort(key=lambda x:x[1])

# Impute thaldur
# Set y variable
impute_variable = 'thaldur'

# Obtain list of variables to use for imputation
x_variables = [x for x in list(hungarian) if x not in [x[0] for x in cols_with_missing_values] +
                        variables_not_to_use_for_imputation + ['id']]

# Select x and y variables to use - add in 'prop'
fix_thaldur = hungarian[x_variables + [impute_variable]]

# Create list of categorical variables to one-hot encode
categorical_x_variables = ['sex', 'painloc', 'painexer', 'relrest', 'cp', 'htn', 'restecg', 'prop', 'nitr', 'pro',
                           'diuretic', 'exang', 'lvx3', 'lvx4', 'lvf']

# One-hot encode categorical variables
for value in categorical_x_variables:
    one_hot = pd.get_dummies(fix_thaldur[value], prefix=value)
    fix_thaldur = fix_thaldur.join(one_hot)
    fix_thaldur = fix_thaldur.drop(columns=value)

# Create list of x variables
x_variables = [x for x in list(fix_thaldur) if x != impute_variable]

# Create DataFrame with missing value(s) - will predict on
predict = fix_thaldur.loc[fix_thaldur[impute_variable]==-9]
# Set x and y predict DataFrames
predict_x, predict_y = predict[x_variables], predict[impute_variable]

# Create DataFrame to train on
train = fix_thaldur.loc[~(fix_thaldur[impute_variable]==-9)]
# Set x and y train DataFrames
train_x, train_y = train[x_variables], train[impute_variable]

# Fit scaler on train_x
train_x = scaler.fit_transform(train_x)

# Transform predict_x
predict_x = scaler.transform(predict_x)

# Obtain k (number of neighbors) by using sqrt(n)
k = round(sqrt(len(train_x)))
print(f"k is {k}.")

# Check to make sure k is odd number
if divmod(k, 2)[1] == 1:
    print("k is an odd number. Good to proceed.")
    print("Need to make k an odd number.")

# Predict value for predict_y
thaldur_prediction = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=k, metric='minkowski', weights='distance').fit(train_x, train_y).predict(predict_x)
print("The prediction for thaldur is " + str(thaldur_prediction[0]) + ".")
# Round thaldur_prediction to integer
thaldur_prediction = round(number=thaldur_prediction[0])
print("The prediction for thaldur has been rounded to " + str(thaldur_prediction) + ".")

# Supply prediction back to appropriate patient
hungarian.loc[hungarian[impute_variable]==-9, 'thaldur'] = thaldur_prediction

# Imputing missing values (marked as -9 per data dictionary)
cols_with_missing_values = [(col, hungarian[col].value_counts()[-9]) for col in list(hungarian) if -9 in hungarian[col].unique()]
# Sort tuples by number of missing values
cols_with_missing_values.sort(key=lambda x:x[1])

# Impute rldv5
# Set y variable
impute_variable = 'rldv5'

# Obtain list of variables to use for imputation
x_variables = [x for x in list(hungarian) if x not in [x[0] for x in cols_with_missing_values] +
                        variables_not_to_use_for_imputation + ['id']]

# Select x and y variables to use - add in 'prop'
fix_rldv5 = hungarian[x_variables + [impute_variable]]

# Create list of categorical variables to one-hot encode
categorical_x_variables = ['sex', 'painloc', 'painexer', 'relrest', 'cp', 'htn', 'restecg', 'prop', 'nitr', 'pro',
                           'diuretic', 'exang', 'lvx3', 'lvx4', 'lvf']

# One-hot encode categorical variables
for value in categorical_x_variables:
    one_hot = pd.get_dummies(fix_rldv5[value], prefix=value)
    fix_rldv5 = fix_rldv5.join(one_hot)
    fix_rldv5 = fix_rldv5.drop(columns=value)

# Create list of x variables
x_variables = [x for x in list(fix_rldv5) if x != impute_variable]

# Create DataFrame with missing value(s) - will predict on
predict = fix_rldv5.loc[fix_rldv5[impute_variable]==-9]
# Set x and y predict DataFrames
predict_x, predict_y = predict[x_variables], predict[impute_variable]

# Create DataFrame to train on
train = fix_rldv5.loc[~(fix_rldv5[impute_variable]==-9)]
# Set x and y train DataFrames
train_x, train_y = train[x_variables], train[impute_variable]

# Fit scaler on train_x
train_x = scaler.fit_transform(train_x)

# Transform predict_x
predict_x = scaler.transform(predict_x)

# Obtain k (number of neighbors) by using sqrt(n)
k = round(sqrt(len(train_x)))
print(f"k is {k}.")

# Check to make sure k is odd number
if divmod(k, 2)[1] == 1:
    print("k is an odd number. Good to proceed.")
    print("Need to make k an odd number.")

# Predict value for predict_y
rldv5_prediction = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=k, metric='minkowski', weights='distance').fit(train_x, train_y).predict(predict_x)
print("The prediction for rldv5 is " + str(rldv5_prediction[0]) + ".")
# Round rldv5_prediction to integer
rldv5_prediction = round(number=rldv5_prediction[0])
print("The prediction for rldv5 has been rounded to " + str(rldv5_prediction) + ".")

# Supply prediction back to appropriate patient
hungarian.loc[hungarian[impute_variable]==-9, 'rldv5'] = rldv5_prediction

# Imputing missing values (marked as -9 per data dictionary)
cols_with_missing_values = [(col, hungarian[col].value_counts()[-9]) for col in list(hungarian) if -9 in hungarian[col].unique()]
# Sort tuples by number of missing values
cols_with_missing_values.sort(key=lambda x:x[1])

# Impute met
# Set y variable
impute_variable = 'met'

# Obtain list of variables to use for imputation
x_variables = [x for x in list(hungarian) if x not in [x[0] for x in cols_with_missing_values] +
                        variables_not_to_use_for_imputation + ['id']]

# Select x and y variables to use - add in 'rldv5'
fix_met = hungarian[x_variables + [impute_variable]]

# Create list of categorical variables to one-hot encode
categorical_x_variables = ['sex', 'painloc', 'painexer', 'relrest', 'cp', 'htn', 'restecg', 'prop', 'nitr', 'pro',
                           'diuretic', 'exang', 'lvx3', 'lvx4', 'lvf']

# One-hot encode categorical variables
for value in categorical_x_variables:
    one_hot = pd.get_dummies(fix_met[value], prefix=value)
    fix_met = fix_met.join(one_hot)
    fix_met = fix_met.drop(columns=value)

# Create list of x variables
x_variables = [x for x in list(fix_met) if x != impute_variable]

# Create DataFrame with missing value(s) - will predict on
predict = fix_met.loc[fix_met[impute_variable]==-9]
# Set x and y predict DataFrames
predict_x, predict_y = predict[x_variables], predict[impute_variable]

# Create DataFrame to train on
train = fix_met.loc[~(fix_met[impute_variable]==-9)]
# Set x and y train DataFrames
train_x, train_y = train[x_variables], train[impute_variable]

# Fit scaler on train_x
train_x = scaler.fit_transform(train_x)

# Transform predict_x
predict_x = scaler.transform(predict_x)

# Obtain k (number of neighbors) by using sqrt(n)
k = round(sqrt(len(train_x)))
print(f"k is {k}.")

# Check to make sure k is odd number
if divmod(k, 2)[1] == 1:
    print("k is an odd number. Good to proceed.")
    print("Need to make k an odd number.")

# Predict value for predict_y
met_prediction = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=k, metric='minkowski', weights='distance').fit(train_x, train_y).predict(predict_x)
print("The predictions for met are:")

# Round met_prediction to integer
for i in range(len(met_prediction)):
    met_prediction[i] = round(number=met_prediction[i])
    print("The prediction for met_prediction" + "[" + str(i) + "]" + " has been rounded to " + str(met_prediction[i]) + ".")

# Supply prediction back to appropriate patient
hungarian.loc[hungarian[impute_variable]==-9, impute_variable] = met_prediction

# Imputing missing values (marked as -9 per data dictionary)
cols_with_missing_values = [(col, hungarian[col].value_counts()[-9]) for col in list(hungarian) if -9 in hungarian[col].unique()]
# Sort tuples by number of missing values
cols_with_missing_values.sort(key=lambda x:x[1])

# Impute fbs
# Set y variable
impute_variable = 'fbs'

# Obtain list of variables to use for imputation
x_variables = [x for x in list(hungarian) if x not in [x[0] for x in cols_with_missing_values] +
                        variables_not_to_use_for_imputation + ['id']]

# Select x and y variables to use - add in 'met'
fix_fbs = hungarian[x_variables + [impute_variable]]

# Create list of categorical variables to one-hot encode
categorical_x_variables = ['sex', 'painloc', 'painexer', 'relrest', 'cp', 'htn', 'restecg', 'prop', 'nitr', 'pro',
                           'diuretic', 'exang', 'lvx3', 'lvx4', 'lvf']

# One-hot encode categorical variables
for value in categorical_x_variables:
    one_hot = pd.get_dummies(fix_fbs[value], prefix=value)
    fix_fbs = fix_fbs.join(one_hot)
    fix_fbs = fix_fbs.drop(columns=value)

# Create list of x variables
x_variables = [x for x in list(fix_fbs) if x != impute_variable]

# Create DataFrame with missing value(s) - will predict on
predict = fix_fbs.loc[fix_fbs[impute_variable]==-9]
# Set x and y predict DataFrames
predict_x, predict_y = predict[x_variables], predict[impute_variable]

# Create DataFrame to train on
train = fix_fbs.loc[~(fix_fbs[impute_variable]==-9)]
# Set x and y train DataFrames
train_x, train_y = train[x_variables], train[impute_variable]

# Fit scaler on train_x
train_x = scaler.fit_transform(train_x)

# Transform predict_x
predict_x = scaler.transform(predict_x)

# Obtain k (number of neighbors) by using sqrt(n)
k = round(sqrt(len(train_x)))
print(f"k is {k}.")

# Check to make sure k is odd number
if divmod(k, 2)[1] == 1:
    print("k is an odd number. Good to proceed.")
    print("Need to make k an odd number.")

# Predict value for predict_y
fbs_prediction = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=k, metric='minkowski', weights='distance').fit(train_x, train_y).predict(predict_x)
print("The predictions for fbs are:")

# Supply prediction back to appropriate patient
hungarian.loc[hungarian[impute_variable]==-9, impute_variable] = fbs_prediction

# Imputing missing values (marked as -9 per data dictionary)
cols_with_missing_values = [(col, hungarian[col].value_counts()[-9]) for col in list(hungarian) if -9 in hungarian[col].unique()]
# Sort tuples by number of missing values
cols_with_missing_values.sort(key=lambda x:x[1])

# Impute fbs
# Set y variable
impute_variable = 'proto'

# Obtain list of variables to use for imputation
x_variables = [x for x in list(hungarian) if x not in [x[0] for x in cols_with_missing_values] +
                        variables_not_to_use_for_imputation + ['id']]

# Select x and y variables to use - add in 'fbs'
fix_proto = hungarian[x_variables + [impute_variable]]

# Create list of categorical variables to one-hot encode
categorical_x_variables = ['sex', 'painloc', 'painexer', 'relrest', 'cp', 'htn', 'fbs', 'restecg', 'prop', 'nitr', 'pro',
                           'diuretic', 'exang', 'lvx3', 'lvx4', 'lvf']

# One-hot encode categorical variables
for value in categorical_x_variables:
    one_hot = pd.get_dummies(fix_proto[value], prefix=value)
    fix_proto = fix_proto.join(one_hot)
    fix_proto = fix_proto.drop(columns=value)

# Create list of x variables
x_variables = [x for x in list(fix_proto) if x != impute_variable]

# Create DataFrame with missing value(s) - will predict on
predict = fix_proto.loc[fix_proto[impute_variable]==-9]
# Set x and y predict DataFrames
predict_x, predict_y = predict[x_variables], predict[impute_variable]

# Create DataFrame to train on
train = fix_proto.loc[~(fix_proto[impute_variable]==-9)]
# Set x and y train DataFrames
train_x, train_y = train[x_variables], train[impute_variable]

# Fit scaler on train_x
train_x = scaler.fit_transform(train_x)
# Transform train_x
train_x = scaler.transform(train_x)

# Transform predict_x
predict_x = scaler.transform(predict_x)

# Obtain k (number of neighbors) by using sqrt(n)
k = round(sqrt(len(train_x)))
print(f"k is {k}.")

# Check to make sure k is odd number
if divmod(k, 2)[1] == 1:
    print("k is an odd number. Good to proceed.")
    print("Need to make k an odd number.")

# Predict value for predict_y
proto_prediction = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=k, metric='minkowski', weights='distance').fit(train_x, train_y).predict(predict_x)
print("The predictions for proto are:")

# Supply prediction back to appropriate patient
hungarian.loc[hungarian[impute_variable]==-9, impute_variable] = proto_prediction

# Imputing missing values (marked as -9 per data dictionary)
cols_with_missing_values = [(col, hungarian[col].value_counts()[-9]) for col in list(hungarian) if -9 in hungarian[col].unique()]
# Sort tuples by number of missing values
cols_with_missing_values.sort(key=lambda x:x[1])

# Impute chol
impute_variable = 'chol'

# Obtain list of variables to use for imputation
x_variables = [x for x in list(hungarian) if x not in [x[0] for x in cols_with_missing_values] +
                        variables_not_to_use_for_imputation + ['id']]

# Select x and y variables to use - add in 'fbs'
fix_chol = hungarian[x_variables + [impute_variable]]

# Create list of categorical variables to one-hot encode
categorical_x_variables = ['sex', 'painloc', 'painexer', 'relrest', 'cp', 'htn', 'fbs', 'restecg', 'prop', 'nitr', 'pro',
                           'diuretic', 'proto', 'exang', 'lvx3', 'lvx4', 'lvf']

# One-hot encode categorical variables
for value in categorical_x_variables:
    one_hot = pd.get_dummies(fix_chol[value], prefix=value)
    fix_chol = fix_chol.join(one_hot)
    fix_chol = fix_chol.drop(columns=value)

# Create list of x variables
x_variables = [x for x in list(fix_chol) if x != impute_variable]

# Create DataFrame with missing value(s) - will predict on
predict = fix_chol.loc[fix_chol[impute_variable]==-9]
# Set x and y predict DataFrames
predict_x, predict_y = predict[x_variables], predict[impute_variable]

# Create DataFrame to train on
train = fix_chol.loc[~(fix_chol[impute_variable]==-9)]
# Set x and y train DataFrames
train_x, train_y = train[x_variables], train[impute_variable]

# Fit scaler on train_x
train_x = scaler.fit_transform(train_x)

# Transform predict_x
predict_x = scaler.transform(predict_x)

# Obtain k (number of neighbors) by using sqrt(n)
k = round(sqrt(len(train_x)))
print(f"k is {k}.")

# Check to make sure k is odd number
if divmod(k, 2)[1] == 1:
    print("k is an odd number. Good to proceed.")
    print("Need to make k an odd number.")
    # Substract one to make k odd number
    k -= 1
    print(f"k is now {k}.")

# Predict value for predict_y
chol_prediction = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=k, metric='minkowski', weights='distance').fit(train_x, train_y).predict(predict_x)
print("The predictions for chol are:")

# Round chol_prediction to integer
for i in range(0, len(chol_prediction)):
    chol_prediction[i] = round(number=chol_prediction[i])
    print(f"The prediction for chol_prediction [{str(i)}] has been rounded to {chol_prediction[i]}.")

# Supply prediction back to appropriate patient
hungarian.loc[hungarian[impute_variable]==-9, impute_variable] = chol_prediction

Set Target Variable to Binary Range

# Set y variable to 0-1 range (as previous studies have done)
hungarian.loc[hungarian.num > 0, "num"] = 1

Go Back to Data Cleaning

Exploratory Data Analysis

Determine Appropriate Alpha Value and Feature Engineering

# Determine 'strong' alpha value based on sample size
sample_size_one, strong_alpha_value_one = 100, 0.001
sample_size_two, strong_alpha_value_two = 1000, 0.0003
slope = (strong_alpha_value_two - strong_alpha_value_one)/(sample_size_two - sample_size_one)
strong_alpha_value = slope * (hungarian.shape[0] - sample_size_one) + strong_alpha_value_one
print(f"The alpha value for use in hypothesis tests is {strong_alpha_value}.")

# List of continuous variables
continuous_variables = ['age', 'trestbps', 'chol', 'thaldur', 'met', 'thalach', 'thalrest', 'tpeakbps', 'tpeakbpd',
                        'trestbpd', 'oldpeak', 'rldv5', 'rldv5e']

# List of categorical variables
categorical_variables = ['sex', 'painloc', 'painexer', 'relrest', 'cp', 'htn', 'fbs', 'restecg', 'prop', 'nitr',
                         'pro', 'diuretic', 'proto', 'exang', 'lvx3', 'lvx4', 'lvf']

# Target variable
target_variable = 'num'

### Feature engineering ###

# Create column of time between ekg and cardiac cath
# Create column of ekg dates
ekg_date = []
for year, month, day in zip(hungarian.ekgyr, hungarian.ekgmo, hungarian.ekgday):
    x = str(year) + '-' + str(month) + '-' + str(day)
    ekg_date.append(dt.datetime.strptime(x, '%y-%m-%d').strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
# Append list to datetime to create column
hungarian['ekg_date'] = ekg_date

# Correct 2-30-86 issue (1986 was not a leap year)
hungarian.loc[(hungarian.cyr==86) & (hungarian.cmo==2) & (hungarian.cday==30), ('cmo', 'cday')] = (3,1)

cardiac_cath_date = []
for year, month, day in zip(hungarian.cyr, hungarian.cmo, hungarian.cday):
    x = str(year) + '-' + str(month) + '-' + str(day)
    cardiac_cath_date.append(dt.datetime.strptime(x, '%y-%m-%d').strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
# Append list to datetime to create column
hungarian['cardiac_cath_date'] = cardiac_cath_date

# Days between cardiac cath and ekg
hungarian['days_between_c_ekg'] = (pd.to_datetime(hungarian.cardiac_cath_date) - pd.to_datetime(hungarian.ekg_date)).dt.days

# Append days between cardiac cath and ekg to continuous variable list

# Create PCA variable from rldv5 and rldv5e
hungarian['rldv5_rldv5e_pca'] = PCA(n_components=1).fit_transform(hungarian[['rldv5', 'rldv5e']])

# Append new PCA'd variable to continuous variable list

# Dicitionary with continuous variable as key and spelled out version of variablea as value
continuous_variables_spelled_out_dict = {'age': 'Age', 'trestbps': 'Resting Blood Pressure (On Admission)',
                                         'chol': 'Serum Cholesterol', 'thaldur': 'Duration of Exercise Test (Minutes)',
                                         'met': 'METs Achieved', 'thalach': 'Maximum Heart Rate Achieved',
                                         'thalrest': 'Resting Heart Rate',
                                         'tpeakbps': 'Peak Exercise Blood Pressure (Systolic)',
                                         'tpeakbpd': 'Peak Exercise Blood Pressure (Diastolic)',
                                         'trestbpd': 'Resting Blood Pressure',
                                         'oldpeak': 'ST Depression Induced by Exercise Relative to Rest',
                                         'rldv5': 'Height at Rest',
                                         'rldv5e': 'Height at Peak Exercise',
                                         'days_between_c_ekg': 'Days Between Cardiac Catheterization and Electrocardiogram',
                                         'rldv5_rldv5e_pca': "PCA variable for 'Height at Rest' and 'Height at Peak Exercise'"}

Heatmap of Continous Predictor Variables

# Heatmap of correlations
# Only return bottom portion of heatmap as top is duplicate and diagonal is redundant
continuous_variable_correlations = hungarian[continuous_variables].corr()
# Array of zeros with same shape as continuous_variable_correlations
mask = np.zeros_like(continuous_variable_correlations)
# Mark upper half and diagonal of mask as True
mask[np.triu_indices_from(mask)] = True
# Correlation heatmap
f, ax = plt.subplots()
f.subplots_adjust(left=0.31, right=1.06, top=0.96, bottom=0.43)
ax = sns.heatmap(hungarian[continuous_variables].corr(), cmap='PiYG', mask=mask, linewidths=.5, linecolor="white",
ax.set_xticklabels(labels=continuous_variables_spelled_out_dict.values(),fontdict ={'fontweight': 'bold', 'fontsize':14},
                   rotation=45, ha="right",
ax.set_yticklabels(labels=continuous_variables_spelled_out_dict.values(),fontdict ={'fontweight': 'bold', 'fontsize':14})
ax.set_title("Heatmap of Continuous Predictor Features", fontdict ={'fontweight': 'bold', 'fontsize': 22})

DataFrame of Continuous Variable Correlations Greater Than 0.6 and Less Than -0.6 (More Numerical Alternative to Above Heatmap)

print(hungarian[continuous_variables].corr()[(hungarian[continuous_variables].corr()>0.6) | (hungarian[continuous_variables].corr()<-0.6)])

Histograms of Continuous Features by Target

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=5, ncols=3)
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.03, right=.97, top=0.90, bottom=0.03, hspace=0.7, wspace=0.25)
fig.suptitle('Distributions of Continuous Features by Target', fontweight='bold', fontsize= 22)
for ax, continuous in zip(axes.flatten(), continuous_variables):
    for num_value in hungarian.num.unique():
        ax.hist(hungarian.loc[hungarian.num == num_value, continuous], alpha=0.7, label=num_value)
        ax.set_title(continuous_variables_spelled_out_dict[continuous], fontdict ={'fontweight': 'bold', 'fontsize': 15})
handles, legends = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
legends_spelled_out_dict = {0: "No Presence of Heart Disease", 1: "Presence of Heart Disease"}
fig.legend(handles, legends_spelled_out_dict.values(), loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(0.70, 1), prop={'weight': 'bold'})

Normality Tests

# Check normality of continuous variables
for continuous in continuous_variables:
    print(f"Kurtosis value: {stats.kurtosis(a=hungarian[continuous], fisher=True)}")
    print(f"Sknewness value: {stats.skew(a=hungarian[continuous])}")
    print(f"P-value from normal test: {stats.normaltest(a=hungarian[continuous])[1]}")
    if stats.normaltest(a=hungarian[continuous])[1] < strong_alpha_value:
        print("Reject null hypothesis the samples comes from a normal distribution.")
            print(f"Kurtosis value: {stats.kurtosis(a=stats.boxcox(x=hungarian[continuous])[0], fisher=True)}")
            print(f"Sknewness value: {stats.skew(a=stats.boxcox(x=hungarian[continuous])[0])}")
            print(f"P-value from normal test: {stats.normaltest(a=stats.boxcox(x=hungarian[continuous])[0])[1]}")
        except ValueError as a:
            if str(a) == "Data must be positive.":
                print(f"{continuous} contains zero or negative values.")
        print("Do not reject the null hypothesis")

Data Transformations (Box-Cox Transformation)

# Boxcox necessary variables that reject the null hypothesis from normaltest in scipy.stats
hungarian['trestbps_boxcox'] = stats.boxcox(x=hungarian.trestbps)[0]
hungarian['chol_boxcox'] = stats.boxcox(x=hungarian.chol)[0]
hungarian['thalrest_boxcox'] = stats.boxcox(x=hungarian.thalrest)[0]

# Add boxcox'd variables to continuous_variables_spelled_out_dict
for boxcox_var in filter(lambda x: '_boxcox' in x, hungarian.columns):
    continuous_variables_spelled_out_dict[boxcox_var] = continuous_variables_spelled_out_dict[
                                                            boxcox_var.split("_")[0]] + " Box-Cox"

Data Transformation of Serum Cholesterol - Distributions with KDE Overlaid

# Compare original distribution with boxcox'd distribution for chol
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, sharey=True)
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=.99, top=0.90, bottom=0.04)
fig.suptitle('Distributions with Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) Overlaid ', fontweight='bold', fontsize=26)
for ax, variable in zip(axes.flatten(), ['chol', 'chol_boxcox']):
    print(ax, variable)
    ax2 = hungarian[variable].plot.kde(ax=ax, secondary_y=True, linewidth=8, alpha=0.8)
    ax2.set_title(continuous_variables_spelled_out_dict[variable], fontdict={'fontweight': 'bold', 'fontsize': 24})
    ax.text(0.78, 0.85, f"Kurtosis value: {'{:.3}'.format(stats.kurtosis(a=hungarian[variable], fisher=True))}\n"
                      f"Skewness value: {'{:.3}'.format(stats.skew(a=hungarian[variable]))}",
            horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes,
            bbox=dict(facecolor='none', edgecolor='black', pad=10.0, linewidth=4), weight='bold', fontsize=17)
    ax.set_ylabel('Density', fontdict={'fontweight': 'bold', 'fontsize': 22})
# Expand figure to desired size first before running below code (this makes xtick labels appear and then can therefore be bolded)
for i in range(len(axes)):
    axes[i].set_xticklabels(axes[i].get_xticklabels(), fontweight='bold', fontsize=18)
axes[0].set_yticklabels(axes[0].get_yticklabels(), fontweight='bold', fontsize=18)

Histograms of Continuous Features and Their Box-Cox’d Versions by Target

# Plot original and boxcox'd distributions to each other and against num
# Create list of boxcox'd variables and their originals
variables_for_inspection = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([[x, x.split("_")[0]] for x in list(hungarian) if 'boxcox' in x]))
# Sort list in ascending order
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=len([x for x in variables_for_inspection if 'boxcox' in x]), ncols=2, figsize=(28,8))
fig.suptitle("Distributions of Continuous Features and their Box-Cox'd Versions", fontweight='bold', fontsize=20)
for ax, variable in zip(axes.flatten(), variables_for_inspection):
    for num_value in hungarian.num.unique():
        ax.hist(hungarian.loc[hungarian.num == num_value, variable], alpha=0.7, label=num_value)
        ax.set_title(continuous_variables_spelled_out_dict[variable], fontdict={'fontweight': 'bold', 'fontsize': 24})
handles, legends = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
legends_spelled_out_dict = {0: "No Presence of Heart Disease", 1: "Presence of Heart Disease"}
fig.legend(handles, legends_spelled_out_dict.values(), loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(0.77, 1.0),
           prop={'weight': 'bold', 'size': 14})

Chi-Square Tests

# Pearson chi-square tests
chi_square_analysis_list = []
for categorical in categorical_variables:
    chi, p, dof, expected = stats.chi2_contingency(pd.crosstab(index=hungarian[categorical], columns=hungarian[target_variable]))
    print(f"The chi-square value for {categorical} and {target_variable} is {chi}, and the p-value is" f" {p}, respectfully.")
    chi_square_analysis_list.append([categorical, target_variable, chi, p])

# Create DataFrame from lists of lists
chi_square_analysis_df = pd.DataFrame(chi_square_analysis_list, columns=['variable', 'target', 'chi',
                                                            'p_value']).sort_values(by='p_value', ascending=True)
# Determine categorical variables that reject null
chi_square_analysis_df.loc[chi_square_analysis_df.p_value <= strong_alpha_value]

Contingency Tables, Odds Ratios, Descriptive Statistics, Data Visualizations, Chi-Square Tests

# Crosstab of age and num
pd.crosstab(index=hungarian.age,columns=hungarian.num, normalize=True)

# Distribution plot of age of all patients
sns.distplot(hungarian['age'], kde=True, fit=stats.norm, rug=False,
             kde_kws={"label": "Kernel Density Esimation (KDE)"},
             fit_kws={"label": "Normal Distribution"}).set_title("Age Distribution of Patients")

# Statistical understanding of age of all patients
print(f"Mean +/- std of {hungarian['age'].name}: {round(hungarian['age'].describe()['mean'],2)} +/"
      f" {round(hungarian['age'].describe()['std'],2)}. This means 68% of my patients lie between the ages of"
      f" {round(hungarian['age'].describe()['mean'] - hungarian['age'].describe()['std'],2)} and"
      f" {round(hungarian['age'].describe()['mean'] + hungarian['age'].describe()['std'],2)}.")
standard_devations = 2
print(f"Mean +/- {standard_devations} std of {hungarian['age'].name}: {round(hungarian['age'].describe()['mean'],2)} +/"
      f" {round(hungarian['age'].describe()['std'] * standard_devations,2)}. This means 95% of my patients lie between the ages of"
      f" {round(hungarian['age'].describe()['mean'] - (standard_devations * hungarian['age'].describe()['std']),2)} and"
      f" {round(hungarian['age'].describe()['mean'] + (standard_devations * hungarian['age'].describe()['std']),2)}.")
standard_devations = 3
print(f"Mean +/- {standard_devations} std of {hungarian['age'].name}: {round(hungarian['age'].describe()['mean'],2)} +/"
      f" {round(hungarian['age'].describe()['std'] * standard_devations,2)}. This means 99.7% of my patients lie between the ages of"
      f" {round(hungarian['age'].describe()['mean'] - (standard_devations * hungarian['age'].describe()['std']),2)} and"
      f" {round(hungarian['age'].describe()['mean'] + (standard_devations * hungarian['age'].describe()['std']),2)}.")
print(f"Mode of {hungarian['age'].name}: {hungarian['age'].mode()[0]}\nMedian of {hungarian['age'].name}: {hungarian['age'].median()}")

# Distribution plot of age of patients broken down by sex - female
sns.distplot(hungarian.loc[hungarian['sex']==0, 'age'], kde=True, fit=stats.norm,
             kde_kws={"label": "Kernel Density Esimation (KDE)"},
             fit_kws={"label": "Normal Distribution"}).set_title('Female Age Distribution')

# Women age information
print(f"Mean +/- std of {hungarian.loc[hungarian['sex']==0, 'age'].name} for women: "
      f"{round(hungarian.loc[hungarian['sex']==0, 'age'].describe()['mean'],2)} +/ "
      f"{round(hungarian.loc[hungarian['sex']==0, 'age'].describe()['std'],2)}")

print(f"Mode of {hungarian.loc[hungarian['sex']==0, 'age'].name} for women: "
      f"{hungarian.loc[hungarian['sex']==0, 'age'].mode()[0]}\nMedian of "
      f"{hungarian.loc[hungarian['sex']==0, 'age'].name} for women: + "
      f"{hungarian.loc[hungarian['sex']==0, 'age'].median()}")

# Distribution plot of age of patients broken down by sex - male
sns.distplot(hungarian.loc[hungarian['sex']==1, 'age'],kde=True, fit=stats.norm,
             kde_kws={"label": "Kernel Density Esimation (KDE)"},
             fit_kws={"label": "Normal Distribution"}).set_title('Male Age Distribution')

# Men age information
print(f"Mean +/- std of {hungarian.loc[hungarian['sex']==1, 'age'].name} for men: "
      f"{round(hungarian.loc[hungarian['sex']==1, 'age'].describe()['mean'],2)} +/ "
      f"{round(hungarian.loc[hungarian['sex']==1, 'age'].describe()['std'],2)}")

print(f"Mode of {hungarian.loc[hungarian['sex']==1, 'age'].name} for men: "
      f"{hungarian.loc[hungarian['sex']==1, 'age'].mode()[0]}\nMedian of "
      f"{hungarian.loc[hungarian['sex']==1, 'age'].name} for men: + "
      f"{hungarian.loc[hungarian['sex']==1, 'age'].median()}")

## Sex
# Get counts of sex
print(f'The hungarian dataset consists of {[0]} females and'
      f' {[1]} males.')

# Bar graph of sex by num
sex_dict = {0: "female", 1: "male"}
sns.countplot(x="sex", hue="num", data=hungarian).set(title='Heart Disease Indicator by Sex', xticklabels=sex_dict.values())

# Crosstab of sex by num
print(pd.crosstab(, columns=hungarian.num))

# Crosstab of sex by num - all values normalized
# Of all patients in dataset, 32% were males that had heart disease. 4% were females that had heart disease.
print(pd.crosstab(, columns=hungarian.num, normalize='all'))

# Crosstab of sex by num - rows normalized
# 15% of females had heart disease. 44% of males had heart disease.
print(pd.crosstab(, columns=hungarian.num, normalize='index'))

# Crosstab of sex by num - columns normalized
# 89% of the patients with heart disease were males. 11% were females.
print(pd.crosstab(, columns=hungarian.num, normalize='columns'))

# Contingency table of sex by num
contingency = pd.crosstab(, columns=hungarian.num)
# Pearson chi-square test
chi, p, dof, expected = stats.chi2_contingency(contingency)

if p <= strong_alpha_value:
    print(f"Reject the null hypothesis of no association between {} and diagnosis of heart "
          f"disease and conclude there is an association between {} and diagnosis of heart "
          f"disease. The probability of a heart disease diagnosis is not the same for male and female patients.")
    print(f"Fail to reject the null of no association between sex and diagnosis of heart disease. The probability of a "
          f"heart disease diagnosis is the same regardless of a patient's sex.")

# Compute odds ratio and risk ratio
table = sm.stats.Table2x2(contingency)
print(f"The odds ratio is {table.oddsratio}. This means males are {round(table.oddsratio,2)} times more likely to be "
      f"diagnosed with heart disease than females.")

## Painloc
# Bar graph of painloc by num
painloc_dict = {0: "otherwise", 1: "substernal"}
sns.countplot(x="painloc", hue="num", data=hungarian).set(title='Heart Disease Indicator by Pain Location', xticklabels=painloc_dict.values())

# Contingency table of painloc by num
contingency = pd.crosstab(index=hungarian.painloc, columns=hungarian.num)
# Pearson chi-square test
chi, p, dof, expected = stats.chi2_contingency(contingency)
print(f"The chi-square value for {} and {} is {chi}, and the p-value is"
      f" {p}, respectfully.")
if p <= strong_alpha_value:
    print(f"Reject the null hypothesis of no association between {} and diagnosis of heart "
          f"disease and conclude there is an association between {} and diagnosis of heart "
          f"disease. The probability of a heart disease diagnosis is not the same based on chest pain location.")
    print(f"Fail to reject the null of no association between {} and diagnosis of heart disease. "
          f"The probability of a heart disease diagnosis is the same regardless of chest pain location.")

# Compute odds ratio and risk ratio
table = sm.stats.Table2x2(contingency)
print(f"The odds ratio is {table.oddsratio}.")

## Painexer
# Bar graph of painexer by num
painexer_dict = {0: "otherwise", 1: "provoked by exertion"}
sns.countplot(x="painexer", hue="num",
              data=hungarian).set(title='Heart Disease Indicator by Pain Exertion', xticklabels=painexer_dict.values())

# Contingency table of painexer by num
contingency = pd.crosstab(index=hungarian.painexer, columns=hungarian.num)
# Pearson chi-square test
chi, p, dof, expected = stats.chi2_contingency(contingency)
print(f"The chi-square value for {} and {} is {chi}, and the p-value is"
      f" {p}, respectfully. The expected values are\n{expected}.")
if p <= strong_alpha_value:
    print(f"Reject the null hypothesis of no association between {} and diagnosis of heart "
          f"disease and conclude there is an association between {} and diagnosis of heart "
          f"disease. The probability of a heart disease diagnosis is not the same based on how chest pain is provoked.")
    print(f"Fail to reject the null of no association between {} and diagnosis of heart disease. "
          f"The probability of a heart disease diagnosis is the same regardless of how chest pain is provoked.")

# Compute odds ratio and risk ratio
table = sm.stats.Table2x2(contingency)
print(f"The odds ratio is {table.oddsratio}. This means patients with their chest pain provoked by exertion are "
      f"{round(table.oddsratio,2)} times more likely to have a diagnosis of heart disease than those patients with "
      f"their chest pain provoked otherwise.")

## Relrest
# Bar graph of relrest by num
relrest_dict = {0: "otherwise", 1: "relieved after rest"}
sns.countplot(x="relrest", hue="num", data=hungarian).set(title='Heart Disease Indicator by Pain Relief', xticklabels=relrest_dict.values())

# Contingency table of relrest by num
contingency = pd.crosstab(index=hungarian.relrest, columns=hungarian.num)
# Pearson chi-square test
chi, p, dof, expected = stats.chi2_contingency(contingency)
print(f"The chi-square value for {} and {} is {chi}, and the p-value is"
      f" {p}, respectfully. The expected values are\n{expected}.")
if p <= strong_alpha_value:
    print(f"Reject the null hypothesis of no association between {} and diagnosis of heart "
          f"disease and conclude there is an association between {} and diagnosis of heart "
          f"disease. The probability of a heart disease diagnosis is not the same for pain relieved after rest and "
    print(f"Fail to reject the null of no association between {} and diagnosis of heart disease. "
          f"The probability of a heart disease diagnosis is the same regardless of when the pain is relieved.")

# Compute odds ratio and risk ratio
table = sm.stats.Table2x2(contingency)
print(f"The odds ratio is {table.oddsratio}. This means patients with their chest pain relieved after rest are "
      f"{round(table.oddsratio,2)} times more likely to have a diagnosis of heart disease than those patients with "
      f"their chest pain relieved otherwise.")

## Cp
# Bar graph of cp by num
cp_dict = {1: "typical angina", 2: "atypical angina", 3: "non-anginal pain", 4: "asymptomatic"}
sns.countplot(x="cp", hue="num", data=hungarian).set(title='Heart Disease Indicator by Chest Pain Type', xticklabels=cp_dict.values())

# Contingency table of cp by cum
contingency = pd.crosstab(index=hungarian.cp, columns=hungarian.num)
# Pearson chi-square test
chi, p, dof, expected = stats.chi2_contingency(contingency)
print(f"The chi-square value for {} and {} is {chi}, and the p-value is"
      f" {p}, respectfully.")
if p <= strong_alpha_value:
    print(f"Reject the null hypothesis of no association between {} and diagnosis of heart "
          f"disease and conclude there is an association between {} and diagnosis of heart "
          f"disease. The probability of a heart disease diagnosis is not the same depending on chest pain type.")
        f"Fail to reject the null of no association between {} and diagnosis of heart disease. "
        f"The probability of a heart disease diagnosis is the same regardless of chest pain type.")

Feature Engineering

hungarian["thalach_div_by_thalrest"] = hungarian["thalach"]/hungarian["thalrest"]
hungarian["tpeakbps_div_by_tpeakbpd"] = hungarian["tpeakbps"]/hungarian["tpeakbpd"]
hungarian["thaldur_div_by_met"] = hungarian["thaldur"]/hungarian["met"]
hungarian["chol_div_by_age"] = hungarian["chol"]/hungarian["age"]
hungarian["chol_div_by_met"] = hungarian["chol"]/hungarian["met"]
hungarian["chol_div_by_thalach"] = hungarian["chol"]/hungarian["thalach"]
hungarian["chol_div_by_thalrest"] = hungarian["chol"]/hungarian["thalrest"]
hungarian["thalrest_div_by_rldv5"] = hungarian["thalrest"]/hungarian["rldv5"]
hungarian["thalach_div_by_rldv5e"] = hungarian["thalrest"]/hungarian["rldv5e"]

hungarian["trestbps_boxcox_div_by_tpeakbpd"] = hungarian["trestbps_boxcox"]/hungarian["tpeakbpd"]

hungarian["chol_boxcox_div_by_age"] = hungarian["chol_boxcox"]/hungarian["age"]
hungarian["chol_boxcox_div_by_met"] = hungarian["chol_boxcox"]/hungarian["met"]
hungarian["chol_boxcox_div_by_thalach"] = hungarian["chol_boxcox"]/hungarian["thalach"]
hungarian["chol_boxcox_div_by_thalrest"] = hungarian["chol_boxcox"]/hungarian["thalrest"]

hungarian["thalach_div_by_thalrest_boxcox"] = hungarian["thalach"]/hungarian["thalrest_boxcox"]
hungarian["chol_div_by_thalrest_boxcox"] = hungarian["chol"]/hungarian["thalrest_boxcox"]
hungarian["thalrest_boxcox_div_by_rldv5"] = hungarian["thalrest_boxcox"]/hungarian["rldv5"]
# Bin age
hungarian['agebinned'] = pd.cut(x=hungarian.age, bins=5, labels = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4'])

DataFrame of Continuous Variable Correlations Greater Than 0.6 and Less Than 1.0 and Correlations Less Than -0.6 and Greater Than -1.0 With Entirely Null Columns Dropped - All Feature Engineered Variables Included

# Add boxcox'd variables to continuous_variables list
continuous_variables.extend([x for x in list(hungarian) if 'boxcox' in x])
# Add interaction variables to continuous_variables list
continuous_variables.extend([x for x in list(hungarian) if 'div_by' in x])

# Correlations > 0.6 and < 1.0 and <-0.6 and >-1.0, drop all null columns
hungarian[continuous_variables].corr()[((hungarian[continuous_variables].corr() > 0.6) & 
                                              (hungarian[continuous_variables].corr() < 1.0)) | 
                                             ((hungarian[continuous_variables].corr()<-0.6) & 
                                              (hungarian[continuous_variables].corr()>-1.0))].dropna(axis=1, how='all')

Go Back to Exploratory Data Analysis

Model Building

DataFrame to Append Model Results

# Create empty DataFrame to append all model results to
all_model_results = pd.DataFrame()
# Create DataFrame to append top model results to
top_model_results = pd.DataFrame(columns=['model_type', 'solver', 'best_model_params_grid_search', 'best_score_grid_search',
                                          'true_negatives', 'false_positives', 'false_negatives', 'true_positives',
                                          'recall', 'precision', 'f1_score', 'variables_not_used', 'variables_used',

Copy of hungarian DataFrame for Modeling and Save Target Variable for Later Use

model = hungarian.copy()
# Save target variable for use with pickle files

Create Unique Set of Variables

# Drop columns
variables_to_drop_for_modeling_one = ['id', 'ekgyr', 'ekgmo', 'ekgday', 'cyr', 'cmo', 'cday', 'lvx3', 'lvx4', 'lvf',
                                      'proto', 'ekg_date', 'cardiac_cath_date', 'rldv5_rldv5e_pca',
                                      'days_between_c_ekg', 'trestbps_boxcox', 'chol_boxcox', 'thalrest_boxcox',
                                      'thalach_div_by_thalrest', 'tpeakbps_div_by_tpeakbpd', 'thaldur_div_by_met',
                                      'chol_div_by_met', 'chol_div_by_thalach', 'chol_div_by_thalrest',
                                      'chol_div_by_age', 'thalrest_div_by_rldv5', 'thalach_div_by_rldv5e', 'agebinned',
                                      'trestbps_boxcox_div_by_tpeakbpd', 'chol_boxcox_div_by_age',
                                      'chol_boxcox_div_by_met', 'chol_boxcox_div_by_thalach',
                                      'chol_boxcox_div_by_thalrest', 'thalach_div_by_thalrest_boxcox',
                                      'chol_div_by_thalrest_boxcox', 'thalrest_boxcox_div_by_rldv5']
# Define categorical variables
categorical_variables_for_modeling_one = ['sex', 'painloc', 'painexer', 'relrest', 'cp', 'htn', 'fbs', 'restecg',
                                          'prop', 'nitr', 'pro', 'diuretic', 'exang']

# Drop columns
variables_to_drop_for_modeling_two = ['id', 'chol', 'thalrest', 'trestbps', 'ekgyr', 'ekgmo', 'ekgday', 'cyr', 'cmo',
                                      'cday', 'ekg_date', 'cardiac_cath_date', 'rldv5', 'lvx3', 'lvx4', 'lvf', 'pro',
                                      'proto', 'rldv5_rldv5e_pca', 'thalach_div_by_thalrest',
                                      'tpeakbps_div_by_tpeakbpd', 'thaldur_div_by_met', 'chol_div_by_met',
                                      'chol_div_by_thalach', 'chol_div_by_thalrest', 'chol_div_by_age',
                                      'thalrest_div_by_rldv5', 'thalach_div_by_rldv5e', 'agebinned',
                                      'trestbps_boxcox_div_by_tpeakbpd', 'chol_boxcox_div_by_age',
                                      'chol_boxcox_div_by_met', 'chol_boxcox_div_by_thalach',
                                      'chol_boxcox_div_by_thalrest', 'thalach_div_by_thalrest_boxcox',
                                      'chol_div_by_thalrest_boxcox', 'thalrest_boxcox_div_by_rldv5']
# Define categorical variables
categorical_variables_for_modeling_two = ['sex', 'painloc', 'painexer', 'relrest', 'cp', 'htn', 'fbs', 'restecg',
                                          'prop', 'nitr', 'diuretic', 'exang']

# Drop columns
variables_to_drop_for_modeling_three = ['id', 'chol', 'thalrest', 'trestbps', 'ekgyr', 'ekgmo', 'ekgday', 'cyr', 'cmo',
                                      'cday', 'ekg_date', 'cardiac_cath_date', 'lvx3', 'lvx4', 'lvf', 'proto',
                                      'rldv5_rldv5e_pca', 'thalach_div_by_thalrest',
                                      'tpeakbps_div_by_tpeakbpd', 'thaldur_div_by_met', 'chol_div_by_met',
                                      'chol_div_by_thalach', 'chol_div_by_thalrest', 'chol_div_by_age',
                                      'thalrest_div_by_rldv5', 'thalach_div_by_rldv5e', 'agebinned',
                                      'trestbps_boxcox_div_by_tpeakbpd', 'chol_boxcox_div_by_age',
                                      'chol_boxcox_div_by_met', 'chol_boxcox_div_by_thalach',
                                      'chol_boxcox_div_by_thalrest', 'thalach_div_by_thalrest_boxcox',
                                      'chol_div_by_thalrest_boxcox', 'thalrest_boxcox_div_by_rldv5']

# Define categorical variables
categorical_variables_for_modeling_three = ['sex', 'painloc', 'painexer', 'relrest', 'cp', 'htn', 'fbs', 'restecg', 'prop',
                                          'nitr', 'diuretic', 'exang', 'pro']

# Drop columns
variables_to_drop_for_modeling_four = ['id', 'ekgyr', 'ekgmo', 'ekgday', 'cyr', 'cmo', 'cday', 'lvx3', 'lvx4', 'lvf',
                                      'proto', 'ekg_date', 'cardiac_cath_date', 'rldv5', 'rldv5e', 'trestbps_boxcox',
                                       'chol_boxcox', 'thalrest_boxcox', 'agebinned',
                                       'trestbps_boxcox_div_by_tpeakbpd', 'chol_boxcox_div_by_age',
                                       'chol_boxcox_div_by_met', 'chol_boxcox_div_by_thalach',
                                       'chol_boxcox_div_by_thalrest', 'thalach_div_by_thalrest_boxcox',
                                       'chol_div_by_thalrest_boxcox', 'thalrest_boxcox_div_by_rldv5']
# Define categorical variables
categorical_variables_for_modeling_four = ['sex', 'painloc', 'painexer', 'relrest', 'cp', 'htn', 'fbs', 'restecg', 'prop',
                                          'nitr', 'diuretic', 'exang', 'pro']

# Drop columns
variables_to_drop_for_modeling_five = ['id', 'age', 'ekgyr', 'ekgmo', 'ekgday', 'cyr', 'cmo', 'cday', 'lvx3', 'lvx4', 'lvf',
                                      'proto', 'ekg_date', 'cardiac_cath_date','rldv5_rldv5e_pca', 'trestbps_boxcox',
                                       'chol_boxcox', 'thalrest_boxcox', 'trestbps_boxcox_div_by_tpeakbpd',
                                       'chol_boxcox_div_by_age', 'chol_boxcox_div_by_met', 'chol_boxcox_div_by_thalach',
                                       'chol_boxcox_div_by_thalrest', 'thalach_div_by_thalrest_boxcox',
                                       'chol_div_by_thalrest_boxcox', 'thalrest_boxcox_div_by_rldv5']

# Define categorical variables
categorical_variables_for_modeling_five = ['sex', 'painloc', 'painexer', 'relrest', 'cp', 'htn', 'fbs', 'restecg', 'prop',
                                          'nitr', 'diuretic', 'exang', 'pro', 'agebinned']

# Drop columns
variables_to_drop_for_modeling_six = ['id', 'age', 'chol', 'thalrest', 'trestbps', 'ekgyr', 'ekgmo', 'ekgday', 'cyr',
                                      'cmo', 'cday', 'lvx3', 'lvx4', 'lvf',
                                      'proto', 'ekg_date', 'cardiac_cath_date','rldv5_rldv5e_pca',
                                      'thalach_div_by_thalrest', 'tpeakbps_div_by_tpeakbpd', 'thaldur_div_by_met',
                                      'chol_div_by_met', 'chol_div_by_thalach', 'chol_div_by_thalrest',
                                      'chol_div_by_age', 'thalrest_div_by_rldv5', 'thalach_div_by_rldv5e']

# Define categorical variables
categorical_variables_for_modeling_six = ['sex', 'painloc', 'painexer', 'relrest', 'cp', 'htn', 'fbs', 'restecg', 'prop',
                                          'nitr', 'diuretic', 'exang', 'pro', 'agebinned']

# Drop columns
variables_to_drop_for_modeling_seven = ['id', 'chol', 'thalrest', 'trestbps', 'ekgyr', 'ekgmo', 'ekgday', 'cyr',
                                      'cmo', 'cday', 'lvx3', 'lvx4', 'lvf',
                                      'proto', 'ekg_date', 'cardiac_cath_date','rldv5_rldv5e_pca',
                                      'thalach_div_by_thalrest', 'tpeakbps_div_by_tpeakbpd', 'thaldur_div_by_met',
                                      'chol_div_by_met', 'chol_div_by_thalach', 'chol_div_by_thalrest',
                                      'chol_div_by_age', 'thalrest_div_by_rldv5', 'thalach_div_by_rldv5e', 'agebinned']

# Define categorical variables
categorical_variables_for_modeling_seven = ['sex', 'painloc', 'painexer', 'relrest', 'cp', 'htn', 'fbs', 'restecg', 'prop',
                                          'nitr', 'diuretic', 'exang', 'pro']

# Make list of lists for variables to drop
variables_to_drop_list = [variables_to_drop_for_modeling_one, variables_to_drop_for_modeling_two,
                          variables_to_drop_for_modeling_three, variables_to_drop_for_modeling_four,

# Make list of lists for categorical variables to model
categorical_variables_for_modeling_list = [categorical_variables_for_modeling_one,

Logistic Regression

# Unique variable combination runs
for index, (vars_to_drop, cat_vars_to_model) in enumerate(zip(variables_to_drop_list,
                                                              categorical_variables_for_modeling_list), start=1):
    print(f"Model run: {index}")
    # Create copy of hungarian for regression modeling
    model = hungarian.copy()
    # Drop variables
    model = model.drop(columns=vars_to_drop)
    # Dummy variable categorical variables
    model = pd.get_dummies(data=model, columns=cat_vars_to_model, drop_first=True)
    # Create target variable
    y = model['num']
    # Create feature variables
    x = model.drop(columns='num')

    # Obtain recursive feature elimination values for all solvers and get average
    # (not sure what to do about ConvergenceWarning - get warning but also get result for each solver)
    rfe_logit = pd.DataFrame(data=list(x), columns=['variable'])
    for solve in ['liblinear', 'newton-cg', 'lbfgs', 'sag', 'saga']:
        rfe_logit = rfe_logit.merge(pd.DataFrame(data=[list(x), RFE(LogisticRegression(solver=solve, max_iter=100),
                    n_features_to_select=1).fit(x, y).ranking_.tolist()]).T.rename(columns={0: 'variable', 1:
                    'rfe_ranking_' + solve}), on='variable')
    # Get average ranking for each variable
    rfe_logit['rfe_ranking_avg'] = rfe_logit[['rfe_ranking_liblinear', 'rfe_ranking_newton-cg', 'rfe_ranking_lbfgs',
                                              'rfe_ranking_sag', 'rfe_ranking_saga']].mean(axis=1)
    # Sort DataFrame
    rfe_logit = rfe_logit.sort_values(by='rfe_ranking_avg', ascending=True).reset_index(drop=True)

    # Train/test split
    x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x, y, test_size=0.33, random_state=43)
    # Run models - start at top and add variables with each iteration
    # Test 'weaker' alpha value
    strong_alpha_value = 0.04
    model_search_logit = []
    logit_variable_list = []
    insignificant_variables_list = []
    for i in range(len(rfe_logit)):
        if rfe_logit['variable'][i] not in logit_variable_list and rfe_logit['variable'][i] not in insignificant_variables_list:
            # logit_variable_list = list(set(logit_variable_list).difference(set(insignificant_variables_list)))
            logit_variable_list = [x for x in logit_variable_list if x not in insignificant_variables_list]
            # Add related one-hot encoded variables if variable is categorical
            if logit_variable_list[-1].split('_')[-1] in sorted([x for x in list(set([x.split('_')[-1] for x in list(x)])) if len(x) == 1]):
                logit_variable_list.extend([var for var in list(x) if logit_variable_list[-1].split('_')[0] in var and var != logit_variable_list[-1]])
            # Build logistic regression
            sm_logistic = sm.Logit(y_train, x_train[logit_variable_list]).fit()
            # All p-values are significant
            if all(p_values < strong_alpha_value for p_values in sm_logistic.summary2().tables[1]._getitem_column("P>|z|").values):
                model_search_logit.append([(sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][0][6], sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][1][6]),
                                        (sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][2][0], sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][3][0]),
                                        (sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][2][1], sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][3][1]),
                                        (sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][2][2], sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][3][2]),
                                        (sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][2][3], sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][3][3]),
                                        (sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][2][4], sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][3][4]),
                                        (sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][2][5], sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][3][5]),
            # P-value(s) of particular variable(s) is not significant
            elif any(p_values > strong_alpha_value for p_values in sm_logistic.summary2().tables[1]._getitem_column("P>|z|").values):
                if logit_variable_list[-1].split('_')[-1] in sorted([x for x in list(set([x.split('_')[-1] for x in list(x)])) if len(x) == 1]):
                    cat_var_level_check = sm_logistic.summary2().tables[1]._getitem_column("P>|z|")[sm_logistic.summary2().
                        tables[1]._getitem_column("P>|z|").index.isin([var for var in list(x) if
                                                                       logit_variable_list[-1].split('_')[0] in var])]
                    # If True, at least one level of the categorical variable is significant so keep all levels of variable
                    if any(p_values < strong_alpha_value for p_values in cat_var_level_check.values):
                        model_search_logit.append([(sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][0][6], sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][1][6]),
                                        (sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][2][0], sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][3][0]),
                                        (sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][2][1], sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][3][1]),
                                        (sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][2][2], sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][3][2]),
                                        (sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][2][3], sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][3][3]),
                                        (sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][2][4], sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][3][4]),
                                        (sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][2][5], sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][3][5]),
                    # Else False - remove all levels of categorical variable
                    cont_var_check = sm_logistic.summary2().tables[1]._getitem_column("P>|z|")[sm_logistic.summary2().
                    # Continuous variable is significant
                    if cont_var_check.values[0] < strong_alpha_value:
                        model_search_logit.append([(sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][0][6], sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][1][6]),
                                        (sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][2][0], sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][3][0]),
                                        (sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][2][1], sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][3][1]),
                                        (sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][2][2], sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][3][2]),
                                        (sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][2][3], sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][3][3]),
                                        (sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][2][4], sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][3][4]),
                                        (sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][2][5], sm_logistic.summary2().tables[0][3][5]),
    # Create DataFrame of logisitic regression results
    model_search_logit = pd.DataFrame(model_search_logit, columns = ['converged', 'pseudo_r_squared', 'aic', 'bic',
                                                'log_likelihood', 'll_null', 'llr_p_value', 'columns_significance'])
    model_results_logit = []
    for solve in ['liblinear', 'newton-cg', 'lbfgs', 'sag', 'saga']:
        for col in model_search_logit['columns_significance']:
            print(solve, col[0])
                logit_predict = cross_val_predict(LogisticRegression(solver=solve, max_iter=100), x[col[0]], y, cv=5)
                print(confusion_matrix(y_true=y, y_pred=logit_predict))
                conf_matr = confusion_matrix(y_true=y, y_pred=logit_predict)
                model_results_logit.append([solve, col[0], conf_matr[0][0], conf_matr[0][1], conf_matr[1][0], conf_matr[1][1]])
            except ConvergenceWarning:
    # Create DataFrame of results
    model_results_logit = pd.DataFrame(model_results_logit, columns = ['solver', 'variables_used', 'true_negatives', 'false_positives',
                                                 'false_negatives', 'true_positives'])
    # Create recall, precision, and f1-score columns
    model_results_logit['recall'] = model_results_logit.true_positives/(model_results_logit.true_positives + model_results_logit.false_negatives)
    model_results_logit['precision'] = model_results_logit.true_positives/(model_results_logit.true_positives + model_results_logit.false_positives)
    model_results_logit['f1_score'] = 2 * (model_results_logit.precision * model_results_logit.recall) / (model_results_logit.precision + model_results_logit.recall)
    # Sort DataFrame
    model_results_logit = model_results_logit.sort_values(by=['f1_score'], ascending=False)

    if len(model_results_logit.loc[model_results_logit.f1_score==model_results_logit.f1_score.max()]) > 1:
        top_model_result_logit = model_results_logit.loc[(model_results_logit.f1_score == model_results_logit.f1_score.max()) &
            (model_results_logit['variables_used'].apply(len) == min(map(lambda x: len(x[[1]][0]),
        top_model_result_logit = model_results_logit.loc[model_results_logit.f1_score == model_results_logit.f1_score.max()]
    top_model_results = top_model_results.append(other= top_model_result_logit, sort=False)
    print(f"Top logit model: \n {top_model_result_logit}")

    # Append top_model_result_logit results to all_model_results DataFrame
    logit_predict_proba = cross_val_predict(LogisticRegression(solver=top_model_result_logit["solver"].values[0],
                                max_iter=100), x[top_model_result_logit["variables_used"].values[0]], y, cv=5, method="predict_proba")
    all_model_results['logit_'+inflect.engine().number_to_words(index)+'_pred_zero'] = logit_predict_proba[:,0]
    all_model_results['logit_'+inflect.engine().number_to_words(index)+'_pred_one'] = logit_predict_proba[:,1]

# Fill in model_type columns
top_model_results['model_type'] = top_model_results['model_type'].fillna(value='logit')

Random Forest

# Unique variable combination runs
for index, (vars_to_drop, cat_vars_to_model) in enumerate(zip(variables_to_drop_list,
                                                              categorical_variables_for_modeling_list), start=1):
    print(f"Model run: {index}")
    # Create copy of hungarian for non-regression modeling
    model = hungarian.copy()
    # Drop columns
    model = model.drop(columns=vars_to_drop)
    # Dummy variable categorical variables
    model = pd.get_dummies(data=model, columns=cat_vars_to_model, drop_first=False)
    # Create target variable
    y = model['num']
    # Create feature variables
    x = model.drop(columns='num')

    # Define parameters of Random Forest Classifier
    random_forest_model = RandomForestClassifier(random_state=1)
    # Define parameters for grid search
    param_grid = {'n_estimators': np.arange(10, 111, step=5), 'criterion': ['gini', 'entropy'],
                  'max_features': np.arange(2, 25, step=3)}
    cv = ShuffleSplit(n_splits=5, test_size=0.3)

    # Define grid search CV parameters
    grid_search = GridSearchCV(random_forest_model, param_grid, cv=cv) # , scoring='recall' # warm_start=True
    # Loop to iterate through least important variables according to random_forest_feature_importance and grid search
    x_all = list(x)
    model_search_rfc = []
    while True:
        # try:, y)
        print(f'Best parameters for current grid seach: {grid_search.best_params_}')
        print(f'Best score for current grid seach: {grid_search.best_score_}')
        # Define parameters of Random Forest Classifier from grid search
        random_forest_model = RandomForestClassifier(criterion=grid_search.best_params_['criterion'],
        # Cross-validate and predict using Random Forest Classifier
        random_forest_predict = cross_val_predict(random_forest_model, x, y, cv=5)
        print(confusion_matrix(y_true=y, y_pred=random_forest_predict))
        conf_matr = confusion_matrix(y_true=y, y_pred=random_forest_predict)
        model_search_rfc.append([grid_search.best_params_, grid_search.best_score_, conf_matr[0][0], conf_matr[0][1],
                                 conf_matr[1][0], conf_matr[1][1], set(x_all).difference(x)])
        # Run random forest with parameters from grid search to obtain feature importances
        random_forest_feature_importance = pd.DataFrame(data=[list(x),
                     n_estimators=grid_search.best_params_['n_estimators'], random_state=1).fit(x,y).feature_importances_.tolist()]).T.rename(columns={0:'variable',
                     1:'importance'}).sort_values(by='importance', ascending=False)
        if len(random_forest_feature_importance.loc[random_forest_feature_importance.importance<0.01]) > 0:
            for i in range(1, len(random_forest_feature_importance.loc[random_forest_feature_importance.importance<0.01])+1):
                print(f"'Worst' variable being examined: {random_forest_feature_importance.loc[random_forest_feature_importance.importance<0.01].variable.values[-i]}")
                bottom_variable = random_forest_feature_importance.loc[random_forest_feature_importance.importance<0.01].variable.values[-i]
                bottom_variable = bottom_variable.split('_')[0]
                bottom_variable = [col for col in list(x) if bottom_variable in col]
                compare_counter = 0
                for var in bottom_variable:
                    if var in random_forest_feature_importance.loc[random_forest_feature_importance.importance<0.01].variable.values:
                        compare_counter += 1
                if len(bottom_variable) == compare_counter:
                    print(f"Following variable(s) will be dropped from x {bottom_variable}")
                    x = x.drop(columns=bottom_variable)
                    print("Next 'worst' variable will be examined for dropping.")
    # Create DataFrame of random forest classifier results
    model_search_rfc = pd.DataFrame(model_search_rfc, columns=['best_model_params_grid_search', 'best_score_grid_search',
                                                 'true_negatives', 'false_positives',
                                                 'false_negatives', 'true_positives', 'variables_not_used'])
        # Create recall and precision columns
    model_search_rfc['recall'] = model_search_rfc.true_positives/(model_search_rfc.true_positives + model_search_rfc.false_negatives)
    model_search_rfc['precision'] = model_search_rfc.true_positives/(model_search_rfc.true_positives + model_search_rfc.false_positives)
    model_search_rfc['f1_score'] = 2 * (model_search_rfc.precision * model_search_rfc.recall) / (model_search_rfc.precision + model_search_rfc.recall)
    # Sort DataFrame
    model_search_rfc = model_search_rfc.sort_values(by=['f1_score'], ascending=False)

    if len(model_search_rfc.loc[model_search_rfc.f1_score==model_search_rfc.f1_score.max()]) > 1:
        top_model_result_rfc = model_search_rfc.loc[(model_search_rfc.f1_score==model_search_rfc.f1_score.max()) &
            (model_search_rfc['variables_not_used'].apply(len) == max(map(lambda x: len(x[list(model_search_rfc).index('variables_not_used')]),
        if len(top_model_result_rfc) > 1:
            print("Fix multiple best model problem for rfc")
        top_model_result_rfc = model_search_rfc.loc[model_search_rfc.f1_score==model_search_rfc.f1_score.max()]
    top_model_results = top_model_results.append(other=top_model_result_rfc, sort=False)
    print(f"Top rfc model: \n {top_model_result_rfc}")

    # Append top_model_result_rfc results to all_model_results DataFrame
    # Re-create feature variables
    x = model.drop(columns='num')
    rfc_predict_proba = cross_val_predict(RandomForestClassifier(criterion=top_model_result_rfc["best_model_params_grid_search"].values[0]['criterion'],
                     x[[x for x in list(x) if x not in list(top_model_result_rfc['variables_not_used'].values[0])]], y,
                                          cv=5, method='predict_proba')
    all_model_results['rfc_'+inflect.engine().number_to_words(index)+'_pred_zero'] = rfc_predict_proba[:,0]
    all_model_results['rfc_'+inflect.engine().number_to_words(index)+'_pred_one'] = rfc_predict_proba[:,1]

# Fill in model_type columns
top_model_results['model_type'] = top_model_results['model_type'].fillna(value='rfc')

Support Vector Machine

# Unique variable combination runs
for index, (vars_to_drop, cat_vars_to_model) in enumerate(zip(variables_to_drop_list,
                                                              categorical_variables_for_modeling_list), start=1):
    print(f"Model run: {index}")
    # Create copy of hungarian for non-regression modeling
    model = hungarian.copy()
    # Drop columns
    model = model.drop(columns=vars_to_drop)
    # Dummy variable categorical variables
    model = pd.get_dummies(data=model, columns=cat_vars_to_model, drop_first=False)
    # Create target variable
    y = model['num']
    # Create feature variables
    x = model.drop(columns='num')

    # Create copy of x for standard scaling
    x_std = x.copy()
    # print(list(x_std)[list(x_std).index('sex_0')-1])
    x_std.loc[:, :list(x_std)[list(x_std).index('sex_0')-1]] = scaler.fit_transform(x_std.loc[:, :list(x_std)[list(x_std).index('sex_0')-1]])

    # Define parameters of SVC
    svc_model = SVC(kernel='linear')
    # Recursive feature elimination
    rfe_svc = pd.DataFrame(data=[list(x_std), RFE(svc_model, n_features_to_select=1).fit(x_std, y).ranking_.tolist()]).T.\
        rename(columns={0: 'variable', 1: 'rfe_ranking'}).sort_values(by='rfe_ranking').reset_index(drop=True)
    svc_model = SVC(random_state=1)
    param_grid = {'kernel': ['rbf', 'sigmoid', 'linear'], 'C': np.arange(0.10, 2.41, step=0.05), 'gamma': ['scale', 'auto']}
    cv = ShuffleSplit(n_splits=5, test_size=0.3)
    # Define grid search CV parameters
    grid_search = GridSearchCV(svc_model, param_grid, cv=cv)

    # Loop through features based on recursive feature elimination evaluation - top to bottom
    model_search_svc = []
    svc_variable_list = []
    for i in range(len(rfe_svc)):
        if rfe_svc['variable'][i] not in svc_variable_list:
            # Add related one-hot encoded variables if variable is categorical
            if svc_variable_list[-1].split('_')[-1] in sorted([x for x in list(set([x.split('_')[-1] for x in list(x_std)])) if len(x) == 1]):
                svc_variable_list.extend([var for var in list(x_std) if svc_variable_list[-1].split('_')[0] in var and var != svc_variable_list[-1]])
  [svc_variable_list], y)
            print(f'Best parameters for current grid seach: {grid_search.best_params_}')
            print(f'Best score for current grid seach: {grid_search.best_score_}')
            # Define parameters of Support-vector machine classifier from grid search
            svc_model = SVC(kernel=grid_search.best_params_['kernel'], C=grid_search.best_params_['C'],
                            gamma=grid_search.best_params_['gamma'], random_state=1)
            # Cross-validate and predict using Support-vector machine classifier
            svc_predict = cross_val_predict(svc_model, x_std[svc_variable_list], y, cv=5)
            print(confusion_matrix(y_true=y, y_pred=svc_predict))
            conf_matr = confusion_matrix(y_true=y, y_pred=svc_predict)
            model_search_svc.append([grid_search.best_params_, grid_search.best_score_, conf_matr[0][0],
                                     conf_matr[0][1], conf_matr[1][0], conf_matr[1][1], list(x_std[svc_variable_list])])
    # Create DataFrame of svc results
    model_search_svc = pd.DataFrame(model_search_svc, columns=['best_model_params_grid_search', 'best_score_grid_search',
                                                 'true_negatives', 'false_positives',
                                                 'false_negatives', 'true_positives', 'variables_used'])
    # Create recall, precision, f1-score columns
    model_search_svc['recall'] = model_search_svc.true_positives/(model_search_svc.true_positives + model_search_svc.false_negatives)
    model_search_svc['precision'] = model_search_svc.true_positives/(model_search_svc.true_positives + model_search_svc.false_positives)
    model_search_svc['f1_score'] = 2 * (model_search_svc.precision * model_search_svc.recall) / (model_search_svc.precision + model_search_svc.recall)
    # Sort DataFrame
    model_search_svc = model_search_svc.sort_values(by=['f1_score'], ascending=False)

    # Choose top model from svc model search
    if len(model_search_svc.loc[model_search_svc.f1_score==model_search_svc.f1_score.max()]) > 1:
        top_model_result_svc = model_search_svc.loc[(model_search_svc.f1_score == model_search_svc.f1_score.max()) &
            (model_search_svc['variables_used'].apply(len) == min(map(lambda x: len(x[list(model_search_svc).index('variables_used')]),
        if len(top_model_result_svc) > 1:
            print('break here')
            # top_model_result_svc = top_model_result_svc.loc[top_model_result_svc.best_score_grid_search == top_model_result_svc.best_score_grid_search.max()]
        top_model_result_svc = model_search_svc.loc[model_search_svc.f1_score==model_search_svc.f1_score.max()]
    top_model_results = top_model_results.append(other=top_model_result_svc, sort=False)
    print(f"Top svc model: \n {top_model_result_svc}")

    # Append top_model_result_svc results to all_model_results DataFrame
    all_model_results['svc_'+inflect.engine().number_to_words(index)] = cross_val_predict(SVC(
        x_std[top_model_result_svc['variables_used'].values[0]], y, cv=5)

# Fill in model_type columns
top_model_results['model_type'] = top_model_results['model_type'].fillna(value='svc')

K-Nearest Neighbors

# Unique variable combination runs
for index, (vars_to_drop, cat_vars_to_model) in enumerate(zip(variables_to_drop_list,
                                                              categorical_variables_for_modeling_list), start=1):
    print(f"Model run: {index}")
    # Create copy of hungarian for non-regression modeling
    model = hungarian.copy()
    # Drop columns
    model = model.drop(columns=vars_to_drop)
    # Dummy variable categorical variables
    model = pd.get_dummies(data=model, columns=cat_vars_to_model, drop_first=False)
    # Create target variable
    y = model['num']
    # Create feature variables
    x = model.drop(columns='num')

    # Create copy of x for standard scaling
    x_std = x.copy()
    x_std.loc[:, :list(x_std)[list(x_std).index('sex_0')-1]] = scaler.fit_transform(x_std.loc[:, :list(x_std)[list(x_std).index('sex_0')-1]])

    # Use Recursive Feature Elimination from SVC
    # Define parameters of SVC
    svc_model = SVC(kernel='linear', random_state=1)
    # Feature importance DataFrame
    feature_info = pd.DataFrame(data=[list(x_std), RFE(svc_model, n_features_to_select=1).fit(x_std, y).ranking_.tolist()]).T.\
        rename(columns={0: 'variable', 1: 'rfe_svc'}).reset_index(drop=True)

    # Define parameters of Random Forest Classifier
    random_forest_model = RandomForestClassifier(random_state=1)
    # Merge feature importances from random forest classifier on feature_info
    feature_info = feature_info.merge(pd.DataFrame(data=[list(x),,y).feature_importances_.tolist()]).T.\
        rename(columns={0: 'variable', 1: 'feature_importance_rfc'}), on='variable')
    # Sort values by descending random forest classifier feature importance to create ranking column
    feature_info = feature_info.sort_values(by='feature_importance_rfc', ascending=False)
    feature_info['feature_importance_rfc_ranking'] = np.arange(1,len(feature_info)+1)

    # Define parameters of Gradient Boosting Classifier
    gbm_model = GradientBoostingClassifier(random_state=1)
    # Merge feature importances from gradient boosting classifier on feature_info
    feature_info = feature_info.merge(pd.DataFrame(data=[list(x),,y).feature_importances_.tolist()]).T.\
        rename(columns={0: 'variable', 1: 'feature_importance_gbm'}), on='variable')
    # Sort values by descending gradient boosting classifier feature importance to create ranking column
    feature_info = feature_info.sort_values(by='feature_importance_gbm', ascending=False)
    feature_info['feature_importance_gbm_ranking'] = np.arange(1,len(feature_info)+1)

    # Get average of three RFE/feature importance columns
    feature_info['feature_importance_avg'] = feature_info[['rfe_svc', 'feature_importance_rfc_ranking', 'feature_importance_gbm_ranking']].mean(axis=1)
    # Sort values by average column
    feature_info = feature_info.sort_values(by='feature_importance_avg', ascending=True).reset_index(drop=True)

    # Define parameters of kNN model
    knn_model = KNeighborsClassifier(metric='minkowski')
    # Define parameters of grid search
    param_grid = {'n_neighbors': np.arange(9, 47, step=2), 'weights': ['uniform', 'distance']}
    # Define parameters of shuffle split
    cv = ShuffleSplit(n_splits=5, test_size=0.3)
    # Define grid search CV parameters
    grid_search = GridSearchCV(knn_model, param_grid, cv=cv) # , scoring='recall'
    # Append model results to this list
    model_search_knn = []
    # Begin top to bottom process - looking at most important variables (by RFE ranking first and adding on)
    knn_variable_list = []
    for i in range(len(feature_info)):
        if feature_info['variable'][i] not in knn_variable_list:
            # Add related one-hot encoded variables if variable is categorical
            if knn_variable_list[-1].split('_')[-1] in sorted([x for x in list(set([x.split('_')[-1] for x in list(x_std)])) if len(x) == 1]):
                knn_variable_list.extend([var for var in list(x_std) if knn_variable_list[-1].split('_')[0] in var and var != knn_variable_list[-1]])
  [knn_variable_list], y)
            print(f'Best parameters for current grid seach: {grid_search.best_params_}')
            print(f'Best score for current grid seach: {grid_search.best_score_}')
            # Define parameters of k-nearest neighbors from grid search
            knn_model = KNeighborsClassifier(metric='minkowski', n_neighbors=grid_search.best_params_['n_neighbors'],
            # Cross-validate and predict using Support-vector machine classifier
            knn_predict = cross_val_predict(knn_model, x_std[knn_variable_list], y, cv=5)
            print(confusion_matrix(y_true=y, y_pred=knn_predict))
            conf_matr = confusion_matrix(y_true=y, y_pred=knn_predict)
            model_search_knn.append([grid_search.best_params_, grid_search.best_score_, conf_matr[0][0],
                                     conf_matr[0][1], conf_matr[1][0], conf_matr[1][1], list(x_std[knn_variable_list])])
    # Create DataFrame of k-nearest neighbors results
    model_search_knn = pd.DataFrame(model_search_knn, columns=['best_model_params_grid_search', 'best_score_grid_search',
                                                 'true_negatives', 'false_positives',
                                                 'false_negatives', 'true_positives', 'variables_used'])
    # Create recall, precision, f1-score columns
    model_search_knn['recall'] = model_search_knn.true_positives/(model_search_knn.true_positives + model_search_knn.false_negatives)
    model_search_knn['precision'] = model_search_knn.true_positives/(model_search_knn.true_positives + model_search_knn.false_positives)
    model_search_knn['f1_score'] = 2 * (model_search_knn.precision * model_search_knn.recall) / (model_search_knn.precision + model_search_knn.recall)
    # Sort DataFrame
    model_search_knn = model_search_knn.sort_values(by=['f1_score'], ascending=False)

    if len(model_search_knn.loc[model_search_knn.f1_score==model_search_knn.f1_score.max()]) > 1:
        print("Fix multiple best model problem for rfc")
        top_model_result_knn = model_search_knn.loc[model_search_knn.f1_score==model_search_knn.f1_score.max()]
    top_model_results = top_model_results.append(other=top_model_result_knn, sort=False)
    print(f"Top knn model: \n {top_model_result_knn}")

    # Append top_model_result_knn results to all_model_results DataFrame
    knn_predict_proba = cross_val_predict(KNeighborsClassifier(metric='minkowski',
                     x_std[top_model_result_knn['variables_used'].values[0]], y, cv=5, method='predict_proba')
    all_model_results['knn_'+inflect.engine().number_to_words(index)+'_pred_zero'] = knn_predict_proba[:,0]
    all_model_results['knn_'+inflect.engine().number_to_words(index)+'_pred_one'] = knn_predict_proba[:,1]

# Fill in model_type columns
top_model_results['model_type'] = top_model_results['model_type'].fillna(value='knn')

Gradient Boosting

# Unique variable combination runs
for index, (vars_to_drop, cat_vars_to_model) in enumerate(zip(variables_to_drop_list,
                                                              categorical_variables_for_modeling_list), start=1):
    print(f"Model run: {index}")
    # Create copy of hungarian for non-regression modeling
    model = hungarian.copy()
    # Drop columns
    model = model.drop(columns=vars_to_drop)
    # Dummy variable categorical variables
    model = pd.get_dummies(data=model, columns=cat_vars_to_model, drop_first=False)
    # Create target variable
    y = model['num']
    # Create feature variables
    x = model.drop(columns='num')

    # Obtain list of all feature variables
    x_all = list(x)
    model_search_gbm = []

    while True:
        # Baseline model
        gbm_baseline = GradientBoostingClassifier()
        # Cross-validate
        cross_val_score_gbm = cross_val_score(gbm_baseline, x, y, cv=cv)

        # Begin parameter tuning for GBM
        # Set initial values (will be tuned later)
        min_samples_split = 3
        min_samples_leaf = 20
        max_depth = 5
        max_features = 'sqrt'
        subsample = 0.8
        learning_rate = 0.1
        # Set param_grid to tune n_estimators
        param_grid = {'n_estimators': np.arange(20,81,10)}

        # Tune n_estimators
        gbm_one = GradientBoostingClassifier(learning_rate= learning_rate, min_samples_split= min_samples_split,
                                             min_samples_leaf= min_samples_leaf, max_depth= max_depth,
                                             max_features= max_features, subsample= subsample)
        grid_search = GridSearchCV(gbm_one, param_grid, cv=cv) # , scoring='recall', y)
        # Obain n_estimators from grid search
        n_estimators_best_param_grid_search_one = grid_search.best_params_['n_estimators']

        # Tune tree-specific parameters
        param_grid2 = {'max_depth': np.arange(3,20,2), 'min_samples_split': np.arange(10,200,10)}
        # Tune max_depth and min_samples_split
        gbm_two = GradientBoostingClassifier(learning_rate= learning_rate, max_features= max_features,
                                             subsample= subsample, n_estimators=n_estimators_best_param_grid_search_one)
        grid_search = GridSearchCV(gbm_two, param_grid2, cv=cv) # , scoring='recall', y)
        # Obain max_depth and min_samples_split from grid search
        max_depth_best_param_grid_search_two = grid_search.best_params_['max_depth']
        min_samples_split_best_param_grid_search_two = grid_search.best_params_['min_samples_split']

        # Tune min_samples_leaf
        param_grid3 = {'min_samples_leaf': np.arange(1,15,1)}
        gbm_three = GradientBoostingClassifier(learning_rate= learning_rate, max_features= max_features,
                                             subsample= subsample, n_estimators=n_estimators_best_param_grid_search_one,
                                               max_depth= max_depth_best_param_grid_search_two,
                                               min_samples_split= min_samples_split_best_param_grid_search_two)
        grid_search = GridSearchCV(gbm_three, param_grid3, cv=cv) # , scoring='recall', y)
        # Obain min_samples_leaf from grid search
        min_samples_leaf_best_param_grid_search_three = grid_search.best_params_['min_samples_leaf']

        # Tune max_features
        param_grid4 = {'max_features': np.arange(2,20,1)}
        gbm_four = GradientBoostingClassifier(learning_rate= learning_rate, subsample= subsample,
                                              max_depth= max_depth_best_param_grid_search_two,
                                              min_samples_split= min_samples_split_best_param_grid_search_two,
                                              min_samples_leaf= min_samples_leaf_best_param_grid_search_three)
        grid_search = GridSearchCV(gbm_four, param_grid4, cv=cv) # , scoring='recall', y)
        # Obain max_features from grid search
        max_features_best_param_grid_search_four = grid_search.best_params_['max_features']

        # Tune subsample
        param_grid5 = {'subsample': np.arange(0.6,1,0.05)}
        gbm_five = GradientBoostingClassifier(learning_rate= learning_rate,
        grid_search = GridSearchCV(gbm_five, param_grid5, cv=cv) # , scoring='recall', y)
        # Obtain subsample from grid search
        subsample_best_param_grid_search_five = grid_search.best_params_['subsample']

        # Tune learning rate and increase n_estimators proportionally
        param_grid_list = [[learning_rate, n_estimators_best_param_grid_search_one],
                           [learning_rate/2, n_estimators_best_param_grid_search_one*2],
                           [learning_rate/5, n_estimators_best_param_grid_search_one*5],
                           [learning_rate/10, n_estimators_best_param_grid_search_one*10],
                           [learning_rate/20, n_estimators_best_param_grid_search_one*20],
                           [learning_rate/30, n_estimators_best_param_grid_search_one*30],
                           [learning_rate/40, n_estimators_best_param_grid_search_one*40],
                           [learning_rate/50, n_estimators_best_param_grid_search_one*50]]
        # Append l_rate, n_ests, and cross_val_score mean
        cross_val_score_gbm_six_means = []
        for l_rate, n_ests in param_grid_list:
            gbm_six = GradientBoostingClassifier(learning_rate=l_rate, n_estimators=n_ests,
            cross_val_score_gbm_six = cross_val_score(gbm_six, x, y, cv=cv)
            cross_val_score_gbm_six_means.append([l_rate, n_ests, cross_val_score_gbm_six.mean()])
            # Retrieve best values for learning_rate and n_estimators based on max value of cross_val_score_gbm_six.mean()
            learning_rate_n_estimators_best_param_grid_list = list(filter(lambda x: x[2] == max(map(lambda x: x[2],
                                                                cross_val_score_gbm_six_means)), cross_val_score_gbm_six_means))[0]

        gbm_final = GradientBoostingClassifier(learning_rate=learning_rate_n_estimators_best_param_grid_list[0],
        gbm_predict = cross_val_predict(gbm_final, x, y, cv=5)
        conf_matr = confusion_matrix(y_true=y, y_pred=gbm_predict)
        model_search_gbm.append([gbm_final.get_params(), conf_matr[0][0], conf_matr[0][1],
                                 conf_matr[1][0], conf_matr[1][1], set(x_all).difference(x)])
        # Obtain feature importances
        gradient_boosting_feature_importance = pd.DataFrame(data=[list(x),
  , y).feature_importances_.tolist()]).T.rename(columns={0:'variable',
            1:'importance'}).sort_values(by='importance', ascending=False)
        # Remove 'worst' variables one-by-one
        print(gradient_boosting_feature_importance.loc[gradient_boosting_feature_importance.importance < 0.10])
        if len(gradient_boosting_feature_importance.loc[gradient_boosting_feature_importance.importance < 0.01]) > 0:
            for i in range(1, len(gradient_boosting_feature_importance.loc[gradient_boosting_feature_importance.importance < 0.01]) + 1):
                print(f"'Worst' variable being examined: "
                      f"{gradient_boosting_feature_importance.loc[gradient_boosting_feature_importance.importance < 0.01].variable.values[-i]}")
                bottom_variable = gradient_boosting_feature_importance.loc[gradient_boosting_feature_importance.importance < 0.01].variable.values[-i]
                # Add related one-hot encoded variables if variable is categorical
                if bottom_variable.split('_')[-1] in sorted([x for x in list(set([x.split('_')[-1] for x in list(x)])) if len(x) == 1]):
                    bottom_variable = bottom_variable.split('_')[0]
                    bottom_variable = [col for col in list(x) if bottom_variable in col]
                compare_counter = 0
                for var in bottom_variable:
                    if var in gradient_boosting_feature_importance.loc[gradient_boosting_feature_importance.importance<0.01].variable.values:
                        compare_counter += 1
                if len(bottom_variable) == compare_counter:
                    print(f"Following variable(s) will be dropped from x {bottom_variable}")
                    x = x.drop(columns=bottom_variable)
                    print("Next 'worst' variable will be examined for dropping.")
            # else:
            #     x = x.drop(columns=bottom_variable)
    # Create DataFrame of random forest classifier results
    model_search_gbm = pd.DataFrame(model_search_gbm, columns=['model_params_grid_search',
                                                 'true_negatives', 'false_positives',
                                                 'false_negatives', 'true_positives', 'variables_not_used'])
    # Create recall and precision columns
    model_search_gbm['recall'] = model_search_gbm.true_positives/(model_search_gbm.true_positives + model_search_gbm.false_negatives)
    model_search_gbm['precision'] = model_search_gbm.true_positives/(model_search_gbm.true_positives + model_search_gbm.false_positives)
    model_search_gbm['f1_score'] = 2 * (model_search_gbm.precision * model_search_gbm.recall) / (model_search_gbm.precision + model_search_gbm.recall)
    # Sort DataFrame
    model_search_gbm = model_search_gbm.sort_values(by=['f1_score'], ascending=False)

    # Choose top model from gbm model search
    if len(model_search_gbm.loc[model_search_gbm.f1_score==model_search_gbm.f1_score.max()]) > 1:
        top_model_result_gbm = model_search_gbm.loc[(model_search_gbm.f1_score == model_search_gbm.f1_score.max()) &
            (model_search_gbm['variables_not_used'].apply(len) == max(map(lambda x: len(x[list(model_search_gbm).index('variables_not_used')]),
        top_model_result_gbm = model_search_gbm.loc[model_search_gbm.f1_score == model_search_gbm.f1_score.max()]
    top_model_results = top_model_results.append(other=top_model_result_gbm, sort=False)
    print(f"Top gbm model: \n {top_model_result_gbm}")

    # Append top_model_result_rfc results to all_model_results DataFrame
    # Re-create feature variables
    x = model.drop(columns='num')
    gbm_predict_proba = cross_val_predict(GradientBoostingClassifier(learning_rate=top_model_result_gbm["model_params_grid_search"].values[0]["learning_rate"],
                     x[[x for x in list(x) if x not in list(top_model_result_gbm['variables_not_used'].values[0])]], y, cv=5, method='predict_proba')
    all_model_results['gbm_'+inflect.engine().number_to_words(index)+'_pred_zero'] = gbm_predict_proba[:,0]
    all_model_results['gbm_'+inflect.engine().number_to_words(index)+'_pred_one'] = gbm_predict_proba[:,1]

# Fill in model_type columns
top_model_results['model_type'] = top_model_results['model_type'].fillna(value='gbm')

Save Created Model Results DataFrames

# Save top_model_results to csv
# Save all_model_results to csv

Go Back to Model Building

Model Visualization Comparison and Selection

Load in Model Results DataFrames if Needed

# Check if DataFrame is already loaded in - if not, load from pickle file
except NameError:
    with open('top_model_results.pkl', 'rb') as top_model_results_pkl:
        top_model_results = pickle.load(top_model_results_pkl)

# Check if DataFrame is already loaded in - if not, load from pickle file
except NameError:
    with open('all_model_results.pkl', 'rb') as all_model_results_pkl:
        all_model_results = pickle.load(all_model_results_pkl)

# Check if target variable is defined as y - if not, load from pickle file
except NameError:
    with open('hungarian_target_variable.pkl', 'rb') as hungarian_target_variable_pkl:
        y = pickle.load(hungarian_target_variable_pkl)

ROC Curves

# Dict of model names and their spelled out verions
model_names_spelled_out = {'logit': 'Logistic Regression', 'rfc': 'Random Forest Classifier', 'knn': 'K-Nearest Neighbors',
                           'svc': 'Support Vector Machine Classifier', 'gbm': 'Gradient Boosting Classifier'}

# Build ROC Curves for all models which give prediction probabilities (i.e. all but SVC)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2)
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.87, top=0.90, bottom=0.07, hspace=0.35, wspace=0.20)
fig.suptitle('ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) Curves', fontweight= 'bold', fontsize= 22)
for ax, value in zip(axes.flatten(), list(unique_everseen([x.split("_")[0] for x in all_model_results.columns if 'pred' in x]))):
    # ROC Curve plot
    for pred_one_col in [x for x in all_model_results.columns if (x[0:len(value)] == value) & (x[-len('pred_one'):] == 'pred_one')]:
        fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(y, all_model_results[pred_one_col])
        ax.plot(fpr, tpr, label=pred_one_col.split("_")[1])
        ax.plot([0, 1], [0, 1],'r--')
        ax.set_xlim([0.0, 1.0])
        ax.set_ylim([0.0, 1.05])
        ax.set_xlabel('False Positive Rate', fontdict={'fontweight': 'bold', 'fontsize': 18}, labelpad=15)
        ax.set_ylabel('True Positive Rate', fontdict={'fontweight': 'bold', 'fontsize': 18}, labelpad=15)
        ax.set_title(f'{model_names_spelled_out[value]} Models', fontdict={'fontweight': 'bold', 'fontsize': 24})
handles, legends = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
legends = ['Model ' + legend.title() for legend in legends]
fig.legend(handles, legends, loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(0.87, 0.85), prop={'weight':'bold', 'size':16})
# Expand figure to desired size first before running below code (this makes xtick and ytick labels appear and then can therefore be bolded)
for ax in axes.flatten():
    ax.set_yticklabels(labels=ax.get_yticklabels(), fontweight="bold")
    ax.set_xticklabels(labels=ax.get_xticklabels(), fontweight="bold")

Select Best Model for Each Algorithm

# Re-assign index of top_model_results
top_model_results.index = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(itertools.repeat(range(1,8), 5)))

# Retreive best model run from each algorithm (base off f-1 score)
top_model_from_each_algorithm = pd.DataFrame(columns=top_model_results.columns)
for value in list(unique_everseen(top_model_results.model_type)):
   if len(top_model_results.loc[(top_model_results.model_type == value) &
        (top_model_results.f1_score == top_model_results.loc[(top_model_results.model_type == value), 'f1_score'].max())]) > 1:
       # Create DataFrame to get best model from remaining
       gt_one_top_model = top_model_results.loc[(top_model_results.model_type == value) &
        (top_model_results.f1_score == top_model_results.loc[(top_model_results.model_type == value), 'f1_score'].max())]
       if value == 'logit':
           # Get DataFrame with least amount of variables used (parsimonious model)
           if len(gt_one_top_model.loc[gt_one_top_model.variables_used.apply(len) == gt_one_top_model.variables_used.apply(len).min()])>1:
               # Sample random one from remaining
               top_model_from_each_algorithm = top_model_from_each_algorithm.append(other=gt_one_top_model.sample(n=1))
       top_model_from_each_algorithm = top_model_from_each_algorithm.append(other=top_model_results.loc[(top_model_results.model_type == value) &
        (top_model_results.f1_score == top_model_results.loc[(top_model_results.model_type == value), 'f1_score'].max())])

all_cut_offs = []
# Go through various cut-offs for each model run that returns predicted probabilities
for value in list(unique_everseen([x.split("_")[0] for x in all_model_results.columns if 'pred' in x])):
    print("-" * 80)
    for pred_one_col in [x for x in all_model_results.columns if (x[0:len(value)] == value) & (x[-len('pred_one'):] == 'pred_one')]:
        for cut_off in np.arange(0,1.01,step=0.001):
            print("-" * 80)
            cf = confusion_matrix(y_true=y, y_pred=np.where(all_model_results[pred_one_col] > cut_off, 1, 0))
            all_cut_offs.append([pred_one_col, cut_off, cf[0][0], cf[0][1], cf[1][0], cf[1][1]])

# Create DataFrame of results
all_cut_offs = pd.DataFrame(all_cut_offs, columns=["model", "cut_off", 'true_negatives', 'false_positives',
                                                   'false_negatives', 'true_positives'])
# Create recall, precision, and f1_score columns
all_cut_offs['recall'] = all_cut_offs.true_positives/(all_cut_offs.true_positives + all_cut_offs.false_negatives)
all_cut_offs['precision'] = all_cut_offs.true_positives/(all_cut_offs.true_positives + all_cut_offs.false_positives)
all_cut_offs['f1_score'] = 2 * (all_cut_offs.precision * all_cut_offs.recall) / (all_cut_offs.precision + all_cut_offs.recall)
# Create total correct and total wrong columns
all_cut_offs["total_correct"] = all_cut_offs.true_negatives + all_cut_offs.true_positives
all_cut_offs["total_wrong"] = all_cut_offs.false_positives + all_cut_offs.false_negatives

# Groupby and take top row from each groupby
all_cut_offs = all_cut_offs.groupby(["model"]).apply(lambda x: (x.sort_values(["total_correct",
                                            "f1_score"], ascending = [False, False])).head(1)).reset_index(drop=True)

# Get the model type (first part of model before "_") to groupby on it
all_cut_offs["model_type"] = all_cut_offs["model"].apply(lambda x: x.split("_")[0])

# Get top model from each algorithm
all_cut_offs = all_cut_offs.groupby(["model_type"]).apply(lambda x: (x.sort_values(["total_correct",
                                            "f1_score"], ascending = [False, False])).head(1)).reset_index(drop=True)

all_cut_offs_results = pd.DataFrame()
# Get predictions with each of the models
for model, cut_off in zip(all_cut_offs.model, all_cut_offs.cut_off):
    print(model, cut_off)
    all_cut_offs_results[model] = np.where(all_model_results[model] > cut_off, 1, 0)
# Append best svc model to all_cut_offs_results
all_cut_offs_results["svc_" + inflect.engine().number_to_words(
    top_model_from_each_algorithm.loc[top_model_from_each_algorithm.model_type=="svc"].index[0])] = \
    all_model_results["svc_" + inflect.engine().number_to_words(

Determine Combination of Models or Stand Alone Model Which Provides Best Results

# Get combinations of length 1,3, and 5 (take mode of 3 and 5)
model_search_all = []
for length in [1, 3, 5]:
    for comb in itertools.combinations(all_cut_offs_results.columns, length):
        print(confusion_matrix(y_true=y, y_pred=all_cut_offs_results[list(comb)].mode(axis=1)))
        conf_matr = confusion_matrix(y_true=y, y_pred=all_cut_offs_results[list(comb)].mode(axis=1))
        model_search_all.append([comb, conf_matr[0][0], conf_matr[0][1], conf_matr[1][0], conf_matr[1][1]])
# Create DataFrame of results
model_search_all = pd.DataFrame(model_search_all, columns=['cols', 'true_negatives', 'false_positives',
                                             'false_negatives', 'true_positives'])
# Create recall, precision, and f1-score columns
model_search_all['recall'] = model_search_all.true_positives/(model_search_all.true_positives + model_search_all.false_negatives)
model_search_all['precision'] = model_search_all.true_positives/(model_search_all.true_positives + model_search_all.false_positives)
model_search_all['f1_score'] = 2 * (model_search_all.precision * model_search_all.recall) / (model_search_all.precision + model_search_all.recall)
# Create total correct and total wrong columns
model_search_all["total_correct"] = model_search_all.true_negatives + model_search_all.true_positives
model_search_all["total_wrong"] = model_search_all.false_positives + model_search_all.false_negatives
# Sort DataFrame
model_search_all = model_search_all.sort_values(by=['total_correct','f1_score'], ascending=[False, False])

Create Model Results Summary Table for Display

# Spell out all model names - return list of lists
column_all = []
for index, value in enumerate(model_search_all['cols']):
    one_column = []
    for cols in model_search_all['cols'].iloc[index]:
        if cols.split("_")[0] in model_names_spelled_out.keys():
            cols_split = cols.split("_")
            cols_split[0] = model_names_spelled_out[cols_split[0]]
            cols_split = "_".join(cols_split)
            cols_split = cols_split.replace("pred_one", "").replace("_", " ").title().strip()
# Convert each list to a string and add as columns
model_search_all['columns'] = [', '.join(map(str, l)) for l in column_all]

# Create table for display
model_search_all[['columns', 'f1_score', 'recall', 'precision', 'total_correct', 'total_wrong']].rename(columns={'columns': 'Model(s)',
                                                            'f1_score': 'F1 Score',
                                                            'recall': 'Recall', 'precision': 'Precision',
                                                            'total_correct': 'Total Correct',
                                                            'total_wrong': 'Total Incorrect'}).to_csv("final_models_table.csv", index=False)

Go Back to Model Visualization, Comparison, and Selection

Visualize Best Model

Confusion Matrix of Best Model

conf_matrix = [model_search_all.loc[model_search_all.cols==('svc_four',)][["true_negatives",
group_names = ['Correctly Predicted To\nNot Have Heart Disease\n', 'Incorrectly Predicted To\nHave Heart Disease\n',
               'Incorrectly Predicted To\nNot Have Heart Disease\n', 'Correctly Predicted To\nHave Heart Disease\n']
group_counts = conf_matrix[0] + conf_matrix[1]
labels = [f"{v1}\n{v2}" for v1, v2 in zip(group_names, group_counts)]
labels = np.asarray(labels).reshape(2, 2)
tick_labels = ['No Presence of Heart Disease', 'Presence of Heart Disease']
# Set figsize to size of second monitor
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [19.2, 9.99]
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1)
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.07, right=0.99, top=0.94, bottom=0.11)
sns.heatmap(conf_matrix, annot=labels, annot_kws={"size": 26, "weight": "bold"}, fmt='', xticklabels=tick_labels,
            yticklabels=tick_labels, cbar=False, cmap=['#b2abd2', '#e66101'],
            center=model_search_all.loc[model_search_all.cols==('svc_four',)][["false_positives", "false_negatives"]].values.max())
plt.xticks(weight="bold", size=20)
plt.yticks(rotation=90, va='center', weight="bold", size=20)
plt.ylabel('True Value of Patient', weight="bold", size=24, labelpad=30)
plt.xlabel('Predicted Value of Patient', weight="bold", size=24, labelpad=30)
plt.title('Prediction Results for Support Vector Machine Classifier Model #4', pad=15, fontdict={"weight": "bold", "size": 28})

Stacked Bar Chart of Best Model

# Build stacked bar chart
# Create bar_chart of confusion matrix results
bar_chart = model_search_all.loc[model_search_all.cols==('svc_four',)][["true_negatives", "false_positives",
                                                                        "false_negatives", "true_positives"]]

# Stacked bar chart of correctly predicted and incorrectly predicted
stacked_bar_chart = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Correctly Predicted', 'Incorrectly Predicted'])
# Obtain totals of correctly predicted and incorrectly predicted patients
stacked_bar_chart["Correctly Predicted"] = bar_chart.filter(regex='true').sum(axis=1)
stacked_bar_chart["Incorrectly Predicted"] = bar_chart.filter(regex='false').sum(axis=1)

# Unpivot DataFrame from wide to long format
stacked_bar_chart = pd.melt(stacked_bar_chart).sort_values(by='value', ascending=False)

# # Obtain minimums of correctly predicted and incorrectly predicted patients
stacked_bar_chart["value_two"] = [bar_chart.filter(regex='true').min(axis=1).values[0],

# Rename columns of long format DataFrame accordingly
stacked_bar_chart = stacked_bar_chart.rename(columns={'variable': 'Patient Outcomes', 'value': 'total',
                                                      'value_two': 'minimum'})

# Define hue and label
stacked_bar_chart['hue_label'] = list(np.where( >
                                            "false_negatives"]].values.sum(), 'Correctly Predicted', 'Incorrectly Predicted'))
# Set colors
colors = {"Correctly Predicted": "#e66101", "Incorrectly Predicted": "#b2abd2"}
# Set figsize to size of second monitor
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [19.2,9.99]
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1)
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.01, right=0.99, top=0.95, bottom=0.12)
sns_stacked_bar_plot = sns.barplot(x=stacked_bar_chart['Patient Outcomes'],,
          hue=stacked_bar_chart['hue_label'], palette=colors, dodge=False)
sns_stacked_bar_plot = sns.barplot(x=stacked_bar_chart['Patient Outcomes'], y=stacked_bar_chart.minimum,
          hue=None, palette=colors, dodge=False)
for p in sns_stacked_bar_plot.patches:
    if p._height in
        sns_stacked_bar_plot.annotate(int(p._height -
                                      stacked_bar_chart.loc[, 'minimum'].values[0]),
                                      (p.get_x() + p.get_width() / 2., (p._height -
                                      stacked_bar_chart.loc[, 'minimum'].values[0])/2 +
                                      stacked_bar_chart.loc[, 'minimum'].values[0]),
                                      ha='center', va='center', weight='bold', fontsize=30)
        # Add totals above bars
        sns_stacked_bar_plot.annotate(int(p._height), (p.get_x() + p.get_width() / 2., p.get_height()), ha='center',
                       va='center', xytext=(0, 12), textcoords='offset points', weight='bold', fontsize=30)
    elif p._height in stacked_bar_chart.minimum.values:
        print(p._height, p._height/2)
        sns_stacked_bar_plot.annotate(int(p._height), (p.get_x() + p.get_width() / 2., p._height/2),
                                      ha='center', va='center', weight='bold', fontsize=30)
# Set edge color to black for bars
for patch in sns_stacked_bar_plot.patches:
plt.xticks(weight="bold", size=30)
plt.xlabel('Patient Outcomes', weight="bold", size=28, labelpad=20)
plt.title('Prediction Results for Support Vector Machine Classifier Model #4', fontdict={"weight": "bold", "size": 28},
plt.legend(title="", prop={'weight':'bold', 'size': 20})
# Add 10 onto y to account for pad
plt.text(x=0.7, y=( - +,
         s = "Overall Accuracy: " + "{:.1%}".format(model_search_all.loc[model_search_all.cols==('svc_four',)]
         fontdict={"weight": "bold", "size": 40}, bbox=dict(facecolor='none', edgecolor='black', pad=10.0, linewidth=3))

Bar Chart of Best Model

# Bar chart of confusion matrix results
bar_chart = model_search_all.loc[model_search_all.cols==('svc_four',)][["true_negatives", "false_positives",
                                                                        "false_negatives", "true_positives"]]

# Rename column names accordingly
# for col in bar_chart.columns:
#     bar_chart = bar_chart.rename(columns={col: col.replace("_", " ").title()})
bar_chart = bar_chart.rename(columns={'true_negatives': 'Correctly Predicted To\nNot Have Heart Disease',
                          'false_positives': 'Incorrectly Predicted To\nHave Heart Disease',
                          'false_negatives': 'Incorrectly Predicted To\nNot Have Heart Disease',
                          'true_positives': 'Correctly Predicted To\nHave Heart Disease'})

# Unpivot DataFrame from wide to long format
bar_chart = pd.melt(bar_chart).sort_values(by='value', ascending=False)

# Rename columns of long format DataFrame accordingly
bar_chart = bar_chart.rename(columns={'variable': 'Patient Outcomes'})

# Define hue and label
bar_chart['hue_label'] = list(np.where(bar_chart.value >
                                            "false_negatives"]].values.max(), 'Correctly Predicted', 'Incorrectly Predicted'))
# Set colors
colors = {"Correctly Predicted": "#e66101", "Incorrectly Predicted": "#b2abd2"}
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1)
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.19, right=0.83, top=0.90, bottom=0.12, hspace=0.7, wspace = 0.25)
sns_bar_plot = sns.barplot(x=bar_chart['Patient Outcomes'], y=bar_chart.value,
          hue=bar_chart['hue_label'], palette=colors, dodge=False)
# Set edge color to black for bars
for patch in sns_bar_plot.patches:
plt.xticks(weight="bold", size=16)
plt.yticks(weight="bold", size=16)
plt.xlabel('Patient Outcomes', weight="bold", size=18, labelpad=20)
plt.title('Prediction Results for Support Vector Machine Classifier Model #4', fontdict={"weight": "bold", "size": 24})
plt.legend(title="", prop={'weight':'bold', 'size': 15})
plt.text(x=1.05, y=140, s = "Overall Accuracy: " + "{:.1%}".format(model_search_all.loc[model_search_all.cols==('svc_four',)]
         fontdict={"weight": "bold", "size": 22}, bbox=dict(facecolor='none', edgecolor='black', pad=10.0, linewidth=3))

Create Heart

x = np.linspace(-2, 2, 1500)
y1 = np.lib.scimath.sqrt(1-(abs(x)-1)**2)
y2 = -3 * np.lib.scimath.sqrt(1-(abs(x)/2)**0.5)
plt.fill_between(x, y1, where=x > .7, color=colors['Incorrectly Predicted'])
plt.fill_between(x, y1, where=x <= .7, color=colors['Correctly Predicted'])
plt.fill_between(x, y2, color=colors['Correctly Predicted'])
plt.xlim([-2.7, 4.5])
correctly_predicted_patch = mpatches.Patch(color=colors['Correctly Predicted'],
                           label="".join([key for key, value in colors.items() if value == colors['Correctly Predicted']]))
incorrectly_predicted_patch = mpatches.Patch(color=colors['Incorrectly Predicted'],
                           label="".join([key for key, value in colors.items() if value == colors['Incorrectly Predicted']]))
plt.legend(title="Patient Outcomes", handles=[correctly_predicted_patch, incorrectly_predicted_patch],
           prop={'weight':'bold', 'size': 16}, title_fontsize=18, bbox_to_anchor=(.97, 1.08))
# Add text to display overall accuracy if desired
# plt.text(0, -1.2, "{:.1%}".format(model_search_all.loc[model_search_all.cols==('svc_four',)]
#         ['total_correct'].values[0]/(model_search_all.loc[model_search_all.cols==('svc_four',)]['total_correct'].values[0]
#         +model_search_all.loc[model_search_all.cols==('svc_four',)]['total_wrong'].values[0])), fontsize=50, fontweight='bold',
#            color='black', horizontalalignment='center')

Go Back to Visualize Best Model


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